Part 6

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Harry's POV


I woke up with a pounding headache and a weird feeling at the pit of my stomach, I opened my eyes to see that I was in a hospital room with a whole bunch of machines with my statuses on them, but what I didn't understand was why Louis was asleep in a chair on the other side of the room.

To say I didn't let out a gasp of shock would be a lie, Louis may or may not have woken up from it but I used it to my advantage.

"L-Louis, Louis get up" I whisper shouted, "Louis why am I in the hospital" he groaned then his eyes shot open and in the blink of an eye he was by my side and shouting for a doctor. "Stop yelling p-please" I flinched at his screaming "I'm sorry darling, it's gonna be alright, do you need water? How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?" Why is he asking me this? What happened to me?

"Louis why am I in the hospital? And w-why are you being nice" his eyes glossed over and I saw a tint of worry on his face and right when I was about to ask him what happened the doctor came in, she looked so pretty with her long blonde hair, big blue eyes, rosey lips and her body, well let's just say I wish I could be as pretty as her. Maybe then people would look at me in a loving way instead of in a way of hatred. People are disgusted and repulsed by me when I just want to be loved, I want someone to look at me like Noah looks at Allie, because maybe then life would have meaning to it but for now my life consists of plain existence and maybe not even that, maybe if I wasn't so fat and awkward someone would love me but if that's the case then I would never be loved. And if I were never to be loved then why try, my family doesn't even love me, how pathetic is that? I'm too much of a fag for my own family to love me, but my mom loves me and I'd do anything to be with someone who loves me...

I was snapped out of my frankly depressing thoughts when the doctor began speaking "hello" she said in a cheery tone, which is quite annoying considering where we are. "I'm doctor Sloan but you can call me Chloe as we will be seeing eachother quite frequently" she laughed, what is she talking about? Apparently I thought that out loud "oh yes your friend here brought you here after you suffered severe head trauma, a fractured rib, a broken arm, and some spinal damage but it wasn't too bad." Too bad? I'm basically crippled and I don't even know how it happened!

"HOW IS IT NOT BAD?" She flinched when I screamed with tears flowing down my face "HOW IS IT NOT BAD WHEN IM IN A HOSPITAL WITH ALL OF THIS STUFF AND NOBODY HERE FOR ME, I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY THIS HAPPENED" Louis gave my hand a reassuring squeeze "I brought you here after Stan and Liam jumped you, they left you in an alley then brought me to you thinking it was funny, thank god they did though or who knows what could have happened" he calmly stated, I chuckled at his words, thank god? Yea ok this is definitely another one of his acts.

"You should have left me there" I said with a cold glare.

Louis' POV

"You should have left me there" Harry stated with an icy glare.

"Harry I saw your arms" I quickly stated, his eyes went blank, it was horrifying if I'm being honest. He looked kind of, dead. He quickly snatched his hand away from my grasp and I immediately felt cold, almost as if I needed him there, and he needs me.

I looked him in the eyes "Harry why-" I was about to ask him something when my mom barged in the hospital room causing him to flinch, that's weird, I'm probably just over-thinking it though.

My mom rushed over to me and caressed my face making me flinch from the black eye "sweetie are you alright? What happened?" She asked me without taking a second glance at the boy lying in the bed. I laughed "yea mom I'm fine, it's not me in the hospital bed" she let go of my face and quickly ran over to Harry and grabbed his hand, his face paled. "Are you ok? What happened sweetheart? Wait, who even are you?" She asked, he looked over at me for answers. "His name is Harry and he has some head injuries, spinal damage a fractured rib and a broken arm" my mom looked shocked "I'm Louis' mom, you can call me Jay" she said to the boy in a sweet tone "Does your mom or dad know you're here?" His eyes glossed over.

The doctor decided to answer that one, "his dad has been informed and he is in fact on his way right now, Also Harry you have been allowed to go home today after a few more tests" she smiled. I didn't know Harry's face could go anymore pale than it already was but apparently it could, he quickly grabbed my hand again and looked at me with tears running down his face. That's when I knew something was wrong.


After a little while of me and Harry just sitting there hand in hand and my mom giving me not-so-subtle winks every few minutes Harry's dad walked in the room and Harry squeezed my hand impossibly tighter.

Harry's dad seemed nice, he had a bright smile on his face and seemed happy to hear that Harry was alright, which gave me a bit of reassurance. After all of Harry's tests were done they allowed him to go home with his father, he kept looking at me like he was gonna get killed which was quite worrying.

I decided not to question his arms and figured that would be good for a different day.


Once Harry left I looked at my mom and said "mom I don't think Harry is safe at home" she looked at me with questioning eyes.

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