Part 15

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"Hey baby" Louis grinned while walking into my room "I have a question for you"

Daniel is in his therapy session so we can finally have some alone time, but this is also the perfect time to tell him. "Louis I have to tell you something" I mumbled with nervousness lacing my voice.

He looked at me with worry in his eyes and quickly ran to sit next to me on the bed taking my larger hand in his smaller one.

"Louis..." I sighed knowing I had to tell him this, I can't just say something I don't mean. "Louis I don't know if I love you"

I watch as his breath gets caught in his throat and tears form in his eyes. His hands loosen in mine as I fight to keep a grip on his.

"What do you mean" he chokes on his words.

"Louis I want to love you, but I don't know what love is. I'm trying to convince myself that what I'm feeling is love but what if it's not? What if I'm delusional? What if you're delusional?" My nose begins to get runny and my palms start getting sweaty.

"Harry baby, what do you feel? How do you feel when you are around me?" He questions with hope in his voice.

"When I'm around you I feel like I would do anything to protect you and I get this weird feeling I can't explain in my tummy, you make me nervous but so so so happy. Everything I do with you is so exciting and refreshing no matter what it is or how many times we do it, I feel safe when I'm with you, I feel stable and I feel like I can trust you. But when I'm not with you all of those things go away" I mumble the last sentence.

His eyes light up once more and his frown disintegrates as he tightens his grip on my hands. "Harry, I can't tell you if you love me back, but to me that sounds like love"

"It does?" I query. "Is that what you feel about me" A slight smile grows on my face causing a chain reaction to come from him.

He looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes that I could never get sick of seeing "yes Harry, that's how I feel about you" he laughs "how could I not I mean you are perfect in every way and I don't know what I would do without you"

A blush forms on my cheeks and I look down at our intertwined hands. "Maybe I do love you" I smiled.

"I hope" He snickers.

I look up at him and stare into his eyes for a few moments before he so rudely interrupts the moment by making a face that looks more like he's constipated if anything.

I start to giggle lightly before pulling it together and brushing off my shirt in a serious manner. "So" I raised my right eyebrow at him trying to be intimidating. "What were you gonna ask me?"

"Oh, uh-yea-well" He scratched the back of his neck awkardly. "Well uhm I was thinking because you know we like love eachother kind of- uhm maybe you would, uh like you be my boyfriend? Like I totally understand if not because we have like only been friends for not long but I would really appreciate if you said yes considering we have gone on a date already and I really-"

Before he said anything else I grabbed the sides of his face and smashed out lips together provoking a harsh gasp from him but sure enough he reciprocated the gesture and began kissing me back just as harshly while placing his petite hands on my hips pulling me on top of him so he was on his back with me straddling him at the waist.

I pulled away for a second letting us catch our breaths before speaking. "I would love to be your boyfriend" I said before Louis grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my lips onto his.

I placed my hands in his hair and began tugging as our lips smacked together creating a mess of saliva, apparently he liked the hair pulling because not long after a low growl-like moan vibrated through his throat causing me to whimper in pleasure.

He slowly moved his hands down my back and placed his palms on my bum and pushing me ever so slightly downwards causing me to grind my hips down on his to the point where I could feel his bulge emitting a moan from the both of us.

With every move we made the rusted bed below us squeaked but we were too caught up in our own worlds to be bothered by it.

I slowly removed one of my hands from his hair eliciting a whine from the boy below me but quickly turning to pleasure when I moved my hand to palm over the obvious bulge in his pants.

Our kisses quickly became sloppy as I continued bringing out moans from Louis once I put my hand into his jogging pants and began rubbing his shaft up and down spreading the pre-cum all over the place.

"Harry I love you so much" He put his hand on his cheek causing me to stop what I'm doing and smile widely at the man I love.

"And I love you too my Louis" I say before I continue wanking him off making sounds of pleasure come from both of our mouths.

Louis reached up to pull off my jumper but not without making sure I was okay with it first and I pulled my hand out of his pants and put my arms up high so he could remove it without a struggle.

Once my light blue jumper was off Louis flipped us very slyly so that I was under him with my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Don't get ahead of yourself babe" He growled in my ear evoking a pleasured moan from me. "We all know I'm the one in charge here"

He placed his hands in my hair tugging on my curls while slowly grinding his hips down in between my spread thighs.

He moved his lips down from my lips and began spreading soft kisses along me cheek then slowly made his way from my jawline down to my neck where he started to kiss a little harder until he got to my collarbone.

He began sucking on the skin near my shoulder making me let out small whimpers every now and then, he mixed between sucking and kissing while he moved along my chest leaving bruise like marks behind.

He pulled away with a grin. "There" he sighed contently. "All marked up for me"

He began kissing my lips once again sliding his tongue through my lips, he massaged my scalp as our tongues danced perfectly together "so beautiful" he mumbled causing me to smile.

"So beautiful and all mine" he said between kisses. "All yours" I replied before we were interrupted.

"Harry this therapist is-" Daniel said before looking up at us and realizing the position we were in, eyes widening when he saw our not so hidden boners.

"I'll just go" he rushed out before practically running out of the room.

I put my head in the crook of Louis' neck blushing a furious shade of pink while Louis continued giggling about.

"Louis" I groaned pushing him off of me making him pout. "It's not funny, I'm embarrassed"

He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms now cuddling me on the small metal bed. "It's okay baby, how bout we just talk for a bit now huh?" He questions sweetly.

"Yeah, how was school?" I asked genuinely, he seemed happy when he got here so it must have been good.

His face immediately brightened once again. "Oh yeah! I tried out for the football team and I got on!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Coach said I was really good and I belonged on the team and it would be stupid of him to not give me a spot"

"That's amazing Louis! I told you you were amazing at football I don't know why you didn't believe me" I sighed sarcastically.

"You don't get to sass the sass master thank you very much Harold" He said making me fake gasp in horror.

After a few hours of making cheesy jokes and happily cuddling as a new couple we were both asleep in eachother arms dreaming about what our future together held.

Only good things were dreamt that night.



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