Part 8

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Harry's POV

I arrived at my foster home at around 3:30 after an hour of just talking to Louis about everything. I quickly said hi to Amelia and James (my foster parents) and hobbled upstairs towards my room. Amelia and James are actually extremely kind and welcoming, they had my room set up before I got here and it's so much better then a basement.

It has dark blue walls, a double bed with a memory foam mattress, a desk with an actual computer! And they got me a phone! Can you believe that? I have a feeling that this is a good start to a new beginning. My mom would be happy for me.

When I got to my room I immediately took out my phone and called Louis, yes, he asked me for my phone number.

He picked up after four rings "Hazza!" He exclaimed making me pull the phone away from my ear "Hi Lou" I smiled sheepishly and then I heard him chuckle on the other side of the line, oh my god, is he laughing at me?

"What's funny? Did I do something wrong" I really hope I didn't just embarrass myself "no no no Haz don't worry about that, I like the name, it's cute" I could almost hear him smile on the other side of the line, I like it when he's happy "good, you're gonna be hearing a lot more of it" I had a sudden burst in confidence "oh really? Is that right Hazza?" I couldn't help but giggle at that.

"Did I just make you giggle? Oh my god you are adorable" Oh my he is gonna be the death of me, I can feel the butterflies in my stomach erupting. "No" I giggled again "See! You keep doing it! You are so cute"

I went a lied down on my bed hugging one of my pillows with the phone still up to my ear "You still there curly?" He questioned "Heyyyyy don't make fun of my luscious locks" I heard him chuckle on the other side of the phone "don't worry love I'm not" oh my gahd he needs to stop with these nicknames he's killing me, but In a cool way.

"So I was thinking uhm" he clears his throat "would you like to go to the movies with me on Wednesday?" He awkwardly asks "Wednesday?" I question "well yea Thursday is my birthday and Friday is Christmas so it just makes sense I guess" My cheeks heat up because oh my I just embarrassed myself I shouldn't  have even asked why we would go on Wednesday.

I must have been thinking for a while because he suddenly speaks up "look it's ok it you don't want to go I get it-" I cut him off "I would love to go!"I exclaim a bit too excitedly.

He chuckles then I hear someone in the background yelling at him saying something about dinner "Oh sorry Haz I have to go eat! Text me, I'll see you Wednesday" "Ok, bye Lou" I then here the dial tone and clutch my phone to my chest with a breath of happiness.

"Dinners ready sweetie" Amelia says from the doorway, I look to see her smiling fondly at me, I smile back at her. She comes and sits next to me on the edge of the bed "who is he" she asks and I give her a confused look. She's laughs "the boy you were talking to, you like him don't you?" I feel my cheeks heat up and I can't help but smile at the thought of him "yea" I sigh "his name is Louis he is gorgeous, and he's so sweet, he helped me the day I was hurt" Amelia listens carefully nodding along "we should get to dinner, James is waiting for us, but this conversation is not over young man!" She chuckles " I wanna hear all of the details.

After dinner we all decided to watch a movie in the living room, we ended up huddled up in the blankets because JAMES decided he wanted to watch 'the exorcist' but it was funny because Amelia would scream at every jump scare.

They feel more like friends than parents to me but I like that, I feel like I can tell them anything even though I already told them everything, including the fact that I'm gay. They were honestly ok with it.

After the movie was over I decided to go back up to bed as it was already 1 in the morning, and then I saw I had 5 texts from Louis.


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