Part 1

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  Harry's POV

I began walking to school but halfway there I decided to stop at my work -Madeville bakery- and ask my boss Barbara if I could take an extra shift after school for more money.

  I've been working at the bakery for two years now, I started at 14 which yes; is a young age. But Barbara has always been a close friend of my moms and was there to help me when she passed away.

  I entered the bakery and the doorbell chimed indicating someone had entered causing all eyes to turn to me, my cheeks heated up and I quickly looked at the ground and swiftly walked behind to counter to go find the kind lady.

  I started scratching at my wrist; a habit I've picked up on since my mom passed, before I found Barbara in the back room baking which obviously wasn't a shock.

  She gasped when she saw me though she does every day and quickly pulled the bread out of the oven before rushing to my side with a grin plastered over her face.

"Harry darling! It's amazing to see you" She smiled and moved her hands to grasp my face. "What are you doing here so early, you have school in fifteen minutes"

"I know I know" I chuckled removing her hands. "I just came to stop by and ask if I could take an extra shift tonight?" I asked nervously and began scratching at my wrists once again. "I mean I know you have me the day off but maybe you guys would need the help, you know haha busy Mondays"

She looked at me quizzically before sighing  "Harry you know you are already over max hours this whole month you need a break" I looked at her with puppy eyes causing her to glare "you're overworking yourself and you are gonna get hurt"

"No Barbara I swear I'm fine I would tell you if I wasn't see, moms death doesn't effect me. I need the money, it would help you. This does so much good, win win eh" I grinned at her hoping she'd buy it.

Once she turned away and hit the towel off the counter I knew I had won the argument. "Fine" she sighed, folding the red and white towel and hanging it on a rack "but only till eight"

I hugged her behind as a smile danced its way across my face. "Thank you so much Barbara this means so so so much to me"

  I practically skipped out of the bakery not caring who was looking I was just happy that I could stay out of my house tonight and not have to be around my aunt.

I continue happily walking to school and made it about three quarters of the way there before I heard an all-too familiar laugh coming from behind me causing the hairs in the back of my neck to stand up and all the muscles in my body to uncomfortably tense.

  I knew it was Louis, Stan and Liam before I even had the chance to turn around and become face to face with them, I have heard those laughs hundreds of times. Yet none of them were on good occasions.

  The three of them have bullied me since seventh grade, yes a long time for me not to do anything about it considering I am now in tenth grade.

  Though in reality I have never had anyone that would do anything about it, yes I have Zayn and Niall who are amazing friends but they know that I get beat up on a daily and they also know that doing anything about it will only cause them harm and I don't want that.

  Summer break is the only time I get away from my bullies which is why I stay inside all summer, not necessarily my own house. I stay at either Niall or Zayns but still. I also go to work but other than that I don't go to public places.

I would rather stay inside for two months then spend it getting beat up more than I need to, which brings me back to the present.

"Hey look at this freak" Stan spat while looking me dead in the eye.

I looked back at the three of them with dread, knowing there was no way out of this situation. I stood still, I stood still when the first punch was thrown, the first kick, third, seventh.

I stayed still when I was thrown to the ground, I didn't do anything. There was a ringing in my ear as their laughter faded and everything went black, the pain was gone. The pain I was all so used to was gone even just for a few minutes.

I woke up thirty minutes later confused as to where I was momentarily but quickly remembered what happened, I noted that I was on the side street that nobody walked though which explained why nobody saw me considering how sketchy it is. And I also noted that I was thirty minutes too late.

Great, first day of my tenth year is already off to a horrible start.

I decided to wait till lunch to enter school premises and quickly went behind the school where nobody other than me Niall and Zayn knew about and sat there with an arm over my stomach as I was still in pain from the earlier attack.

My two mates quickly found me and where shocked to say the least, the definitely did not expect this on the first day.

"Holy shit what the fuck happened" Niall gasped while rushing to my side and grabbing my face causing me to groan more loudly and slap his arm away.

"Sheesh thought you'd like it Nialler, it's a new look thought I'd try. I'm calling it the got beat up on the first day of school" I said sarcastically.

"Haz this isn't funny" Zayn said sternly while sitting next to me. "I know it was Louis and his gang, we both do. But we need you to say it"

I held back my tears and rubbed underneath my both trying to catch any snot that may have dripped from it before dusting off my black jeans and standing up.

Luckily the bell rang so I didn't have to do much more than give them a side glance and walk away without having eaten anything, which was fine. I never eat anyway.

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