3|| Your Questions

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"Laughter lightens the mood."


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"Hey Sawrina, are you awake?" I heard a voice ask as I opened my eyes and looked at the door seeing Leo standing there with a mug in his hand, small bits of steam coming out the top. "I am now." I said tiredly rubbing my eyes for a second as Leo walked over and handed me the mug. "It's green tea. Made it myself. Splinter said I should come keep you company for a few." He said pulling up a chair and sitting beside me as I brought the mug to my lips and took a small sip. I always found green tea to be my favorite, mostly because Shredder made it for me all the time. Peppermint tea was a second favorite and oolong was my third. "Thanks." I said as he nodded. "So what was it like?" He asked as I raised a brow. What was what like? "I mean...what was it like being held in TCRI for half your life?" He asked. This was always a topic I hated discussing, mostly because of the horrible memories of the Kraang and their experiments with the mutagen and technology. I felt the need to remain silent but I wanted to answer. I wanted to trust these turtles.


The second we found her in the sewers I knew she was special. There was something about her that was different and I am eager to figure out what it is. Maybe it's her determination. Maybe it's her bravery. Maybe it's just her strong looks that hide her inner pain. I could see the sadness and fear in her eyes but the anger was what stuck out the most.

It was silent for a good few seconds before she opened her mouth to answer but nothing came out. I saw a silver tint form in her eyes. "What did they do to you?" I felt the need to ask as she sighed. I could tell this was hard for her to talk about. "They used lasers for most of their experiments. Mutagen took a pretty big role in just about all of it though." She said as I nodded. "How did you escape?" I questioned. That's what I was most concerned about. "One day I decided enough was enough. Something broke inside of me and it gave me the courage to escape. I tried many times...but they didn't work until now. After that, I didn't have any further plans so I lived on the streets for awhile. That's when Shredder found me taking out some Purple Dragons." She said. Purple Dragons were the wannabe gangsters of New York. They had mostly pocket knives and their skills were...limited. "He thought I would be useful and therefore he recruited me. After I completed several missions successfully, he hired me to be his second in command where I continued to remain useful." She said. Her story was indeed interesting and that only led me to two more questions. "What made you betray Shredder?" I asked as her eyes went back to the bright emerald green that was undeniably gorgeous. "Shredder wanted to become allies with the Kraang in order to capture you four and your Sensei as well as take over New York. I refused to work with the Kraang and betrayed him...betrayal comes with a price though." She replied before taking another sip of tea. "Last question, what are you really looking for? Revenge on the Kraang and Shredder?" I asked. Sensei always taught us that revenge only leads to more pain however I feel that she is looking for something more than just getting payback on her enemies. "I'm looking for peace. I want people to be safe. I don't want others to grow up the way I did." She said. What about family? Didn't she have a family to go home to? "What about your family?" I asked as she sighed and shook her head slowly. "They're gone." She responded hesitantly as I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Sorry. We got your back. Even if you worked for Shredder, I can tell you're nothing like him." I assured before standing up to leave when I almost forgot to inform her about Splinter giving her a bed. "By the way, Splinter says you should have a proper place to sleep so Donnie had set up a bed for you in our room." I said as she smirked slightly before I walked out.
She was quite mysterious and very keep to herself type but she was somewhat sweet in a way.


I was trying to do benchpresses but Mikey just wouldn't leave me alone about the girl. "You like her don't you?" He asked as I growled. "I do not!" I argued back as he laughed. "Of course you do! I saw the way you looked at her! Raphie has a crush!" Mikey yelled as I quickly placed the barbell back on the stand and put a hand over his mouth slamming him on the floor. "Raph, Mikey, knock it off!" Leo shouted as I rolled my eyes and let Mikey up before walking away. "I just talked to Sawrina. She has an interesting past with the Kraang and Shredder, let's just say that." Leo said as I walked off to our room and climbed in the top bunk of our bed. I shared a bunk bed with Mikey and of course I wanted the top bunk. That's when I noticed the extra bed in our room. Seriously? Leo's moving her into our room? "Leo!" I shouted as he walked in. "What is it, Raph?" He asked as I pointed to the extra bed. "Yes Raph. She's sleeping in here with us. She shouldn't be sleeping in the lab and she'll be here for awhile so what's the problem?" He asked as I scoffed. "The problem is she was with Shredder!" I shouted as Leo sighed. "Let it go, Raph." Leo said before walking out as I scoffed and climbed in my bed. If she turns on us I'll be ready. But for some reason maybe Mikey was right...I do have a crush.

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