21|| The Power Cell

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"You must always be aware. The calm always comes before the storm."


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We finally reached the surface after about fifteen minutes of swimming before we climbed out the water. We took a few steps before a stop sign came flying out directly at me. That must've been one of the traps. I quickly pulled my head into my shell as I heard my brothers scream before poking it out. "I'm definitely going to have to talk to Leatherhead later about that." I commented before we continued walking but were a lot more cautious and alert checking every spot around us for any signs of traps. Suddenly, a bunch of spiked barrels came rolling down some makeshift ramp as we ran towards a large sign reading Get Out before busting through it. A knife landing right next to my head as I looked up and noticed we were at a dead end. "Well...he really fortified the plus." Donnie remarked before pressing his hand against the concrete walls when suddenly it opened revealing a bright pink crystal inside this metal, transparent container. "What is that?" Leo asked as Donnie went to touch it but was electrocuted. "Why am I the one who always has to touch the weird Kraang stuff?" He asked in an angry tone before carefully picking it up and carrying it. "Let's head back and find out what this thing even is." Leo said as we dove back in the water.


Since me and Mikey stayed behind, Leatherhead allowed us to stay inside his home until Raph, Leo, and Donnie returned. "So Leatherhead, how did you an Sawrina meet?" Mikey asked curiously as Leatherhead handed me a glass of water. "One day, after the Kraang had finished an experiment on me, a small child approached my holding tank. She had a small side braid and eyes filled with curiosity and strength. She asked who I was and I told her that I did not have a name, so she gave me one. I liked it and appreciated her work so we became friends. Then she was taken and I didn't see her for awhile but when I did, she was...different. She was afraid. The last time I saw her was when I was making my escape and I made an attempt to set her free but the Kraang were getting too close. She told me to run and be free...that one day, she too would join me and we would be free together." Leatherhead explained. I listened as Leatherhead had told the story of how I met him and felt a small smile grow on my face as I remembered how I had kept my word. One day we would be free together. We weren't exactly free because we still had Shredder and the Kraang but it was a start. "Wow, that's cool. I love the name by the way Dude." Mikey said smiling as Leatherhead chuckled a little. It was good to hear him laugh, especially since what the Kraang did to him.
"We're back." I heard someone shout as I opened the door allowing Donnie, Raph, and Leo back in. "Whats with all the traps? You almost took my head off!" Raph shouted angrily. "I am sorry. I had no intention of harming any of you. The power cell is very important to the Kraang and I swore I would protect it at all costs." Leatherhead explained. "What's so important about this thing anyways?" Donnie asked as I took it from his grip and held it in my hand. "The Kraang don't just need me for the portal. They need this thing as well. This power cell wasn't strong enough though so they wanted me to add the extra power which I won't be doing. The Kraang can easily track it so we need to get it behind a case as soon as possible." I explained as Donnie placed it in his backpack. "Promise me you will protect it and keep it away from the Kraang." Leatherhead pleaded as I nodded placing my hand on his rough, leather head. "Please do return soon." He said as I smiled lightly before turning to leave while closing the door behind me. We have to get back to the lair quickly before the Kraang come.


"Alright! Gentlemen, Lady, Raph. Introducing our newest ride!" Donnie said happily as we all examined the now completed vehicle parked in front of us. "So what are we gonna call it?" Leo asked as I looked over at Mikey who had to have something in his mind. "The Shell-Raiser!" He said happily as I smirked a little. Leo looked quite surprised. "That's...actually pretty good." Raph praised shockingly before I opened the doors and looked inside. "You've each been assigned a station based off of...well...my seating chart. Leo is the only one who wouldn't hit something for fun so he's the driver." Donnie started as Raph and Mikey pouted. "Raph, you'll be in charge of weapons. Mikey will be in charge of navigation. I'll be in charge of operations. Sawrina...you'll be in charge of defense." Donnie explained. What was defense? "Is putting Mikey in front of a map really a good idea?" Raph asked as Donnie sighed and Mikey gave Raph the usual "hey". "Don't worry it already has the Shell-Raiser marked so it will tell Mikey everything he needs to know." Donnie explained. "Whats defense?" I questioned as he showed me my station. It was a seat right beside Leo's directly in front of the windshield so I'd get a nice view of the road. There were a lot of buttons, a few levers, and two monitors to my right attached to the wall one showing the left side of the vehicle and the other showed the right. "If we are under attack, you control the crusher, and all the other defense techniques that are needed to protect the vehicle and the ones inside it." Donnie informed. So that large plow-looking thing on the front is a crusher, but I thought Raph was in charge of weapons? "Wait isn't Raph in charge of weaponry?" I had to ask. "Yes. He is in charge of using the stealth bike and the mounted cannons, but you also act as a co-pilot. You will help tell us when we're under attack or if we need to stop, what speed we need to go, and all other kinds of things." He said as I nodded. Ok so it wasn't too bad of a job.
"Alright, let's take this thing for a drive!" Mikey shouted excitingly before sitting at his station. I took my seat beside Leo as he started the engine. "Alright, there's a secret exit to the road this way, let's go." Donnie said before we started moving. I had never been in a vehicle before aside a Kraang van so this probably isn't too bad. Hopefully.

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