8|| The Hijack

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"No plan ever survives contact with the enemy. It is how you react to the unexpected that will determine whether or not you will be successful."


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"Sawrina, wake up." I shot up as I looked over and saw Raph standing there. "Woah, chill out." He said as I huffed and glanced at the clock on the wall that read 9:12pm. "Fearless wants us to get ready. We head out in thirty." Raph said before going to his bunk bed and pulling a bunch of stuff out of a cardboard box. I reached in my box and pulled out my armor before going to the bathroom and changing into the black and silver heavily armed outfit I was given by Shredder. I made my way back to the room and grabbed my katanas, placing them in their sheaths before putting my scalpel chain in its holster and a few shurikens on my left combat boot holster. I had a few smoke bombs in a separate holster on my right hip as well.
We all gathered in the dojo as Leo sharpened his katanas and Donnie was cleaning his glasses. "Alright guys. Listen up. The Kraang stealth ship will be going over the Channel 6 news tower at 11:12 tonight. We'll board the ship with these grappling hooks Donnie made." He said as he handed each of us a grappling hook. "You each have one hook. Try not to mess up." Donnie advised as I strapped the hook to my back. "When we get on the ship, me and Donnie will handle steering it. Raph, Sawrina, you two will take out any Kraang you see. Mikey, you'll be in charge of making sure all the mutagen stays on board. We only get one shot at this." Leo stated firmly as Splinter walked in. "No plan ever survives contact with the enemy...it is how you react to the unexpected that will determine whether or not you and your team will succeed." He said wisely before walking over to us. "You are all brave warriors. But that does not mean you are untouchable. Remember that no matter how detailed your plan is...there is always a possibility for catastrophe." He added on. It made sense I suppose. "Good luck my sons...Sawrina." He said before leaving. "Let's go." Leo said as I followed them out the dojo and through the sewers up to the ground above.


"Donnie, you said the ship would be going over now." Raph said frustratedly. I was growing impatient myself. We all were. "Quiet. Here it comes." I heard Leo whisper before a loud humming noise went by above us and sure enough, a ship glitched between being invisible and visible. "Let's go." Leo said as I pulled out my grappling hook and shot it at the ship before climbing the rope.
When we all got aboard the ship, I used my right handed saw blade to cut a hole in the top big enough for all of us to get through and we jumped in before I saw three of those weird, pink Kraang aliens steering. They made squealing noises when they saw us as I used my blade to kill one and Raph used his sais to kill another. "Donnie, how do we steer this thing?" I heard Leo shout as the ship turned and flipped in an uncontrollable manor while me, Raph, and Mikey were being thrown around. "Will you two get it together!" Raph shouted as I used my blade to cut into the side of the ship and hold on until the ship evened out. "Sorry!" Donnie said nervously before pulling out his bo staff and stabbing it into the driving console to steer easier. I heard a door open as I turned and saw a giant blueish green robot standing there with a Kraang operating it where the head's suppose to be. "What is that?" Leo asked as it started blasting lasers at us. Raph charged at the robot but it easily picked him up and threw him against the wall as I charged with my blades and gave it everything I had to defeat it however my blades did no damage to it. "This thing is completely armored! How do we take it down?" I shouted over the loud noises as Leo pulled out his katanas and I drew mine before we both charged at it but it grabbed Leo with one hand and me with the other before spinning us around and throwing us at the walls.
I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder before getting up hesitantly and knowing what I had to do. I had to use my blast wave. Mikey charged the robot with his nunchucks before getting thrown at a wall. It was no use at this point, however I couldn't help but notice that when Mikey hit the wall, he hit a button that opened a cabinet type holder full of mutagen canisters. "Donnie, I found the mutagen!" He shouted as the robot continued to shoot lasers before striking the mutagen holder and ALL the mutagen canisters rolled out before falling through an open latch in the floor and out into the city. We watched as the 64 canisters fell all throughout the city and we had no idea where they would land or who they'd mutate. "No!" Donnie shouted trying to grab the canisters that continued to roll out as Leo took the steering and I struggled to grab a single canister. They were all gone. All of it. "You are the biggest screw up I know!" Raph said angrily as Donnie looked up at him fiercely. "And you could've grabbed one SINGLE CANISTER!" He shouted full of rage before rushing back to the control panel. The robot continued to fire as I stood up and touched my blades together creating a blast wave that destroyed the robot and threw the ship off balance as smoke filled the inside. "We're going down!" Donnie shouted as we were all thrown around again before hitting the side of a building and the ship was tossed around like a ball inside a pinball machine followed by an explosion and darkness.


I put a hand on my head as I felt blood run down the side of my cheek. A giant piece of the former ship rested on my leg but it didn't hurt oddly. The smell of smoke and fire was strong. My vision adjusted as I slowly lifted myself off the ground and looked around for the Turtles. Leo was leaning up against the side of a building for support, Donnie was lifting debris off of Mikey, and Raph was no where in my sight...until I felt someone lift the rubble off my leg. It was Raph. He grabbed my arm and slowly picked me up as I coughed from the smoke. My vision was completely back to normal now but I still had an uncomfortable ringing in my ears. "I got ya kid." He said as he helped me out what was left of the ship. We all stood leaned up against a building as the sound of sirens could be heard off in the distance and the ringing that was in my ears faded. "Is everyone alright?" Donnie asked as I wiped the blood off my cheek yet more followed. "I think my shell is cracked." Mikey said as I looked over and saw a small crack in his plastron. "I'm all good." Leo said as he breathed heavily. "I'm fine." I said as I looked up at Raph who still had an arm wrapped around me for support I guess. "This isn't good." He mumbled as I looked at the burning ship behind us. How did we even survive that? "Guys we gotta move. Emergency services will be here in three minutes." Donnie informed as Raph picked me up and we all made our way back to the sewers.


"What happened my sons?" Splinter asked as Raph put me down. "We failed Sensei. The ship crashed and mutagen spilt all throughout the city. It'll take weeks to get all that mutagen back." Leo said followed by a sigh. "Mikey...I know how to fix your shell." I said. It was a simple fix and I learned how to do it by watching some of the Foot Clan's mutants take care of themselves after battle. "You can use my lab." Donnie said as I nodded and motioned for Mikey to follow me.
I took some plaster and used a putty knife to smooth it out covering the cracks. "There you go. All done." I said as Mikey smiled and sat up. "Thanks Dudette!" He said happily followed by a quick hug before walking out the room as I looked in a nearby mirror and saw that I still had blood dripping down the side of my cheek. I looked over at Donnie's workbench and saw a first aid kit, which I grabbed and opened before pulling out some gauze. "You want some help?" I heard someone ask as I turned and saw Raph standing there. "I'm good." I said as I wiped some blood away. "Let me help you." He practically demanded as he walked over and took it from my hand. I sat down on a bench patiently as he wiped the blood away before cleaning the wound and placed a medium sized band aid on it. "You ok?" He asked as I nodded. "So your family? You never spoke about what happened to them or how you ended up with the Kraang in the first place." He questioned suddenly and very unexpectedly. I just remained silent.
We messed up. Bad.

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