7|| Follow Your Heart

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"Some things we can't avoid...but we can control."


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"Sawrina, do you mind helping me out with an experiment?" I heard Donnie ask as she placed her plate on the table and walked towards his lab. I felt a pair of eyes on me as I turned and saw Mikey staring at me with those weird eyes he gives when he is about to make fun of someone. "So Raph, when ya gonna ask her out?" He asked as I felt my anger rise. "What are you talking about?" I asked as he chuckled. "I know you like her. It's obvious since you try to act so harsh and tough towards her. You're just doing that to keep her from seeing the truth." He stated. I couldn't help but know that Mikey was partially right but I didn't want to believe it. "You just don't wanna ask her cause you're afraid of rejection." He said with a childish smirk. I felt my anger continue to rise as I did my best to ignore him. "Afraid? I'm not afraid of anything. I don't even like the girl and I'll be glad when she's out of here." I said trying to sound like I wasn't bothered by his words. "Yeah right. You think a pretty girl like her won't love a mutant like you." He said before eating another slice of pizza. That did it. I smacked him in the head as he pouted but that wasn't a good time to lash out because Splinter just so happened to be standing there. "Raphael! What have I told you about hitting your brothers?" He asked in disappointment as I sighed while Mikey crawled away followed by a "someone's in trouble." I wanted to smack him again. "Come with me." Sensei ordered as I followed him to his room and he shut the door behind us. "What troubles you my son?" He asked rubbing his chin. "Nothing. I'm fine, Sensei." I assured as he hummed. "I see. It appears you have developed some feelings towards our guest." He said. I hated how difficult it was to hide things from Splinter. "I don't like her, Sensei. Simple as that." I said trying to get him off my back a little. "My Son, the more you deny your feelings, the harder it will be to overcome them. You must accept these unknown feelings and become familiar with them. Go with your heart and not your mind. Love does not make one look weak...it only makes them stronger." Sensei said wisely. His words made sense but I can't just admit my feelings to her because no human will love a mutant. I can't give her what she wants. I can't take her where she wants to go. I can't give her the happiness that another human being can. I'm not enough for her. She deserves better.


"That covers everything. Thanks for helping me out." Donnie said as I nodded. Donnie wanted me to help him with a mutagen experiment. He took some of my blood and then mixed it with mutagen to see how the cells reacted towards it. I made my way to the dojo where Leo stood swinging his katanas at the air. "Leo, when are we going to come up with a plan to fight back the Kraang?" I asked. I was growing impatient with how slow things were taking. I get that it has only been a few days but I'm getting tired of sitting here while they're planning to invade Earth. "When Splinter decides that we are good to go and Donnie finishes the invention he's working on." He said as I growled. What was Donnie even inventing? "What is Donnie inventing?" I asked as he continued to swing his blades. "Some kind of bomb to help blow up their mutagen supply. Your request." He reminded me. I sighed and started punching the dummy that hung from the wall connected by a small chain. I continued swinging violent punches before a hand was placed on my shoulder causing me to tense up a little. "Don't worry. It won't take too long." Leo said as I sighed. "I just want to finish this before their plans are completed." I said watching Leo place his katanas in their sheaths on the back of his shell. "If you don't mind me asking, what was it like working for Shredder?" He asked curiously as I fidgeted with the end of my braid. "It was...stressful. I was well respected by the other mutants and even Shredder himself, but it was a constant reminder that if I failed my tasks, Shredder wouldn't take it very well. He treated me like a daughter. He told me stories about Hamato Yoshi and you guys. Stories about the so called wife and child he had. He gave me food, clothes, training, and weapons. It was like a home I'd never had. Guess I got myself in more trouble when I betrayed him. I really thought I could beat him...I was foolish." I admitted. "You were willing to take a chance. You just made a wrong move. You were on the wrong path but it's not too late to get back on the right one. Let us help you." Leo asked as I noticed the indescribable emotion in his eyes. It was like a mixture of pity, sorrow, and sadness but with courage, strength, and heart. "I can't let anyone else get hurt because of my actions, Leo. I want your help. But I can't...and I promise that once we take down the Kraang, I'll be gone. You'll never see me again. I don't want to put you and your family at risk." I said holding back the tears that threatened to fall. As much as I didn't know about these turtles, I had already cared so deeply about them and their safety. They were like a family I had always dreamed of but I just can't put them at risk. I can't let anything break them apart.
"Guys! Come quick! I found something!" Donnie shouted as we raced to the lab.
"What is it, Donnie?" Leo asked as he pointed on his computer screen. "The Kraang are sending out a transport ship tonight! You'll never believe what they're transporting either. 64 canisters of mutagen. Straight to TCRI." He said as I glanced over at Leo. "What's the plan?" I asked as he glanced back. "Your call." He said as I thought of my options. "What if we hijack it? We can't let that mutagen spill throughout the city. Mutants will be all over." I warned as Donnie typed on the keyboard. "It's a plan then. Ship will be released at 11:00 tonight." Donnie said as Leo nodded. "We'll head out an hour before. Get ready." Leo ordered as I followed behind Mikey to the Turtle's room. It was currently 5:07pm so we had some time. I may just go rest for a few. "I'm taking a nap guys. Wake me up an hour early." Mikey said as I climbed into the bed they made for me. "I'm with Mikey." I said as I pulled the blanket over me. "Hey Saw Girl..." Mikey started. Saw Girl? What's a Saw Girl? "Do you mind if I call you that? That's my nickname for you. It's super cool right, dudette?" He asked as I sighed. Mikey was a good kid. "Whatever you say Mikey." I said kindly before letting my eyes drift off.

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