23|| Spar With Me

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"You must climb the dangerous mountains to get to the beautiful valley."


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"Nice try! Can't fight what you can't even see!" Mikey taunted as he dodged Leo's katanas continuously. Training for today was easy. All we were doing was sparring while Sensei watched. Leo was to face Mikey, Donnie was to face Raph, and I got to fight the winner. Soon enough Leo hit Mikey in the plastron with the handle of his katana and Mikey was finished. "Alright Donnie, put down the stick and no one gets hurt." Raph warned as Donnie got in a preparation stance. "You said that last time and ya hurt me." Donnie responded as Raph spun his sais. "Well yeah but...not as bad as I would've." He stuttered before the two ran at each other. I don't know what it was about Raph spinning his sais but it was oddly satisfying. There's that feeling again...ugh it's driving me insane. I pushed it aside as the two mutants fought each other. Eventually, Raph caught Donnie's staff and spun it before snapping it easily and hitting him over the head with the broken pieces. Now it was just Raph and Leo so the question was; who would I be sparring against? "Hajime!" Splinter shouted as the two brothers charged each other dodging and striking before a sai flew right between Donnie and Mikey but they didn't even flinch. Seconds later, a katana flew to the side as Raph wrapped his sai around Leo's arm and flipped him over his shoulder quickly. It happened so fast that everything was almost a blur. "Raphael for the win!" Raph shouted before Leo stood up and made his way over to the side where I stood waiting for Splinter's orders. "Raphael and Sawrina. The winner shall challenge me." Sensei informed. Sparring with Sensei? I had never seen the mutant rat in action before and honestly...I wanted to see it.
I stepped onto the mat before turning my hands into saw blades as Raph pulled out his sais. "Hajime!" Splinter hollered as we collided. I held my blades against his sais before sliding underneath his left arm and kicking him in his shell but it only knocked him back a few inches. "Is that all ya got?" He taunted before charging again. I did a front roll under his attack and managed to knock a sai from his grip yet he still stood tall with one remaining sai. We continued striking before he hit me in the side and knocked me to the ground but I stood up quickly and swiftly kicked my left leg under him as it morphed into a blade and knocked him off his feet as well. I got to my feet and stood with my blades at his throat showing that I had won the fight. "Ya'me!" Splinter shouted as I helped Raph back on his feet. "Sawrina, you will now face me in a match." Sensei explained as he got on the mat and pulled out a wakizashi which is a smaller styled Japanese sword.

"Hajime!" He shouted as I turned my hands to blades and that usual metal clinging sound filled the dojo. I ducked under his sword before swinging my right blade directly at his face but he blocked it with his sword before striking me in the chest with his fist knocking me back. I maintained my stance as he ran full speed my direction until our blades collided again but this time, I freed the sword from his grasp and went for the strike but was knocked off my feet by a painful punch to the stomach.
"You had me at your advantage but failed to watch all my possibilities to attack. Your enemy will not only be able to fight with weapons, you must be prepared to fight in hand to hand combat as well. Watch for all possible threats. Aside that, you did well Senshi." Splinter smiled before hanging his sword back on the wall and leaving the dojo. Senshi was Japanese for warrior which made me feel somewhat proud of my failed attempt to beat Sensei. I stood up and wiped some sweat from my forehead as the Turtles approached. "That was awesome Dudette! Pizza time!" Mikey cheered before running out the dojo to the kitchen. "Does he end all training with pizza?" I questioned as Leo chuckled a little before we left the dojo. Raph didn't seem very happy about his loss but I'm not sure if it's my place to question it.


"I'm gonna go work out." Raph commented before leaving. Mikey was still cooking pizza and I was cleaning my saw blades. I usually did it to make sure they didn't rust because even though I'm a mutant well...my blades are still metal and metal will still rust which will ruin their use. "You know we have things you can use for that right?" Leo asked staring at my poor effort to clean off my blades with a cloth. "What do you have?" I asked curiously. Maybe getting some chemicals for them wouldn't be too bad. "Follow me." Leo said as I did so. He led me to the garage part of the lair that housed the Shell Raiser, approaching this shelf that hung on the wall full of different spray cans, jars, and bottles. "This is Loctite. We also have WD-40 and anti-rust paint. I would recommend the WD-40 but you should probably check with Donnie just to be safe." Leo explained as I took the blue and yellow spray can from the shelf. "Is it made for saw blades?" I asked reading the labels as he nodded. "Again...may wanna check with Donnie." He reminded me as I nodded before thanking him with a slight smile and leaving with the spray.
As I entered the lab, Donnie threw a clipboard across the room directly at my head but luckily I caught it. "Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know you were there!" He said nervously before standing up and coming over to see if I was alright. "Maybe now is a bad time." I said hesitantly before turning to leave when he stopped me by saying "wait." I turned towards him as he sighed and pushed his glasses up. I looked over at his workbench noticing that he had at least twelve coffee cups lined up and they were all empty. "How much sleep have you gotten?" I questioned as he sat back down in his chair. "None. What did you need?" He asked as I held up the can of spray. "Is this ok to use on my saw blades?" I questioned as he nodded. "In small amounts and apply it with a cloth. Don't spray it directly on the blade." He replied as I grabbed a rag off of the lab desk and turned to leave.
Donnie seems to be acting a little strange. Maybe he just gets obsessed with his work too easily. Or maybe it's something else.

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