20|| The Gator

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"Always leave room for open alliances."


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"Donnie this better be good." Raph said as we all gathered in the workshop where Donnie had this large truck parked. It looked like an old garbage truck but had a large plow-type device on the front and a mounted launcher on the top except it didn't launch bullets or rockets...it launched manhole covers. On the side was the words Tartaruga Brothers meaning Turtle Brothers. "What do you guys think?" Donnie asked as he showed off his new toy. He opened the doors and allowed us to walk in as I saw a bunch of bright green lights, a punching bag which I believe was out there for Raph, a few arcade games, several computers and monitors, a ladder leading to the launcher, a few chairs, and a large control panel. "What's this do?" Mikey questioned as he pushed a red button that made a strange alarm sound and the back hatch opened up allowing someone to jump out if they needed. "Mikey, do you always have to push a big red button?" Raph asked with slight anger in his voice. "It's my job bro." Mikey commented before closing the hatch. "I'm just missing one very important thing...something to power it with." Donnie informed as we all let out a simultaneous sigh. "You mean to tell us that you made this large vehicle to drive but didn't think of a way to power it up?" Leo asked as Donnie pushed up his glasses a bit. "I just need a power source that can pack enough energy to get this thing up and running. Maybe the Kraang have something strong enough." Donnie explained as it hit me. I have an old friend who can help...but it may not go well. I let out a small sigh before glancing at Donnie. "I may know someone." I commented as they all looked at me. "We can't just go up to any human being and ask them hey do you have a Kraang tool that can power a garbage truck for us?" Raph said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. "Who said I was talking about a human? You know you guys aren't the only mutants around here, right?" I questioned as they gave me questionable looks. "So who are they?" Leo asked. "An old friend I met in TCRI when I was little. He holds as big a grudge on the Kraang as we do. In fact, we could maybe use his help with fighting the Kraang. He has a lair not to far from here and it's in the sewers as well." I stated. "So what's his name?" Mikey asked. "Leatherhead."


"Alright guys stick close. He doesn't really like company." I warned as we approached a metal door in the sewers and I gave it two hard knocks. The sound of soft jazz music could be heard on the other side before heavy footsteps and then the twist of a doorknob revealing an old friend. "I recognize those eyes anywhere...Sawrina, what a pleasure to see you again." He greeted me a rough and gravelly voice.

"He's a

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"He's a...alligator?" Donnie asked nervously as I gave him an assuring glance. "Who are they?" Leatherhead asked curiously. "These are my friends. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo." I introduced them to Leatherhead as he gave them a somewhat friendly smile before opening the door a little wider. "Please...come in." He said as the Turtles followed in behind me before Mikey shut the door behind us. "Cool place Dude." Mikey said happily before sitting on a comfy couch. Leatherhead's lair was small and barely had enough room for more than two or three people. He had a small bed and a wooden shelf with a record player on it, some records, and a few candles. "What brings you here?" Leatherhead asked as he handed me a bottle of water to drink. "My friend Donnie here...he needs something to power up a garbage truck. Do you think you could give him the thing?" I asked trying to not say too much just in case he denied my request. "I promise I will make it worth you while." I assured as he sighed and looked down at the floor sadly. "Please Leatherhead." I asked placing a hand on his rough shoulder as he glanced up at me. "You have earned my trust well Sawrina, which is why I will allow you to have such a prized possession, however it is hidden well not far from here. There are several traps along the way and you will have to be very careful." Leatherhead explained as I nodded. "Sorry to interrupt but what exactly are we looking for?" Leo asked. "The power cell. Leatherhead stole it from the..." I cut myself off when I remembered his state of mind. Whenever you said anything about the Kraang around him, he would flip out in rage and could accidentally hurt you without even knowing he did it. "The what? The Kraang?" Donnie questioned as I wore a worried expression before Leatherhead let out a loud growl and started swinging his arms around. "Calm down! It's ok!" I tried to free him from his stage as he let out a few heavy breaths before finally turning back to normal. "You guys can put your weapons away." I stated briefly noticing how each of the Turtles had their weapons in hand. "He's dangerous!" Raph said angrily as he attempted to charge Leatherhead but I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my head. "He's not dangerous. They captured him and experimented on him. The mutagen messed with his head. It's not his fault, he can't control it." I tried to explain as Leatherhead placed a hand on his head. "I am sorry. I cannot control it. That is why I live alone. I am a monster." He said full of sorrow as Mikey placed a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you just think you're a monster because everyone treats you like that." He said as I raised a brow. That was wise, even for Mikey. "So...Leatherhead, do you think you could help us with fighting the...those guys?" Leo questioned as Raph stood up. "I would be more than happy to help. Please do take great care of the power cell, it is more powerful than anything created. They will be able to track it as soon as you find it so you must waste no time getting it to a safe place where it cannot be found. It must be behind a strong piece of material that cannot emit any power to allow them to find it." Leatherhead explained as we nodded before preparing to leave. As the Turtles left the lair I gave him a soft smile. "Thank you. We won't let you down." I assured as he nodded. "Please return soon. I enjoy some company every now and then." He said before shutting the door. "I will." I mumbled.
"Alright so how do we find this power cell?" Leo asked as I looked over at the underwater tunnel beside his lair. "If an alligator can hide something...where would he hide it?" Raph questioned. "Alligators like to drag their prey underwater. That would be my guess." Donnie informed as I glanced back over at the tunnel. "What about there?" I questioned as Donnie put his goggles on. "It's pretty deep. Alright guys let's go." Donnie said before lifting his goggles and jumping in followed by the others. "You coming?" Raph asked as I stood frozen for a second. "I...I can't." I stuttered as he raised a brow at me. "Why not?" He asked as I sighed. "I can't swim." I explained. "It's ok. Mikey, stay with Sawrina, make sure nothing happens and keep a look out for the Kraang. We'll go get the power cell and meet back here." Leo ordered as Mikey climbed out the water and the others dived under. "Just me and you Dudette." Mikey said as he sat down against the wall while I did the same. I wonder how long this will take them? And I wonder what kind of traps there are?

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