27|| Specialties

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"Be the difference in the world."


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I had given some thought to what Splinter said to me yesterday and I somehow came up with a not so good plan to understand Sawrina better. Part of the plan was getting her to come with me to the rooftops and then we just find a good ledge, sit down, and go from there. The plan isn't the greatest but it might work. Hopefully.


I had Mikey pinned below me. He wanted to spar with me so I accepted the challenge but I hate to say it was a little too easy. "Lost again!" Mikey pouted before I pulled him back up on his feet. "Just keep trying. You'll get there eventually." I encouraged as he smiled a little before putting his nunchucks in their holsters. "So...I wanted to ask you something Saw Girl." Mikey started as I sat down on one of the meditation cushions before unscrewing the lid off my water bottle. "Fire away." I said as he chuckled a little. "Could you teach me how to fight with that chain thingy?" He asked. I already knew what he was referring to. "You mean my scalpel chain?" I questioned just to make sure I heard him correctly already knowing I did but you can never be too certain. "Y-Yeah." He stuttered nervously as I smiled a little. "Ok, but only if you agree to listen, focus, and be careful. I don't want Sensei on my back if you get hurt." I warned as he nodded quickly. I stood up and unholstered my scalpel chain as Mikey positioned himself directly in front of me. "The first rule of using a scalpel chain is to always make sure you keep your movement fluent and never lose sight of where the blade is." I began to explain as I started swinging the chain around me in a crisscrossed pattern. Mikey took a step back as the speed of the chain quickened. "If you choose to change the pattern you're swinging it in, then you change the position your body is in." I stated before doing a jump in the air and spinning the chain quickly below me, landing and moving the chain above my head. "When fighting an enemy, it'll most likely bounce off of what it hits meaning that you're pattern is going to change entirely." I finished before quickly stopping the chain and passing it to Mikey. "You try." I stated as I took a step back in case this didn't go well. Mikey did all the steps I demonstrated and it ended up being pretty well. "You got Mikey swinging that thing around? Shocking." I heard a moody comment from behind me as I turned and saw Raph standing in the doorway. "Sawrina, wanna go to the rooftops with me?" He asked as I nodded before glancing over at Mikey. "Keep practicing but you better be in one piece when I get back." I demanded as I left following Raph.


We made it to the ledge we sat at yesterday. Perfect view. I sat down as she sat beside me and we just looked out at the city. How did I even start such a conversation? "So um...do you mind if I ask you some questions about Shredder?" I started. Maybe that wasn't the best way to begin but I had to start somewhere and that's the part I was most curious about. She gave me an unfamiliar look before turning away. "What kind of questions?" She asked with a slight tone of frustration in her voice. This is a horrible idea. "How did a person like you get drawn in with a guy like Shredder?" I questioned as she looked at me again. I noticed her fidgeting with her hands. She was nervous. "I was in an alleyway. I had been making a living off of cardboard boxes and scraps. It was hard but I managed. I preferred to be alone and I didn't have an education which meant no job and no money so I was basically stuck. Three guys approached me one night while I was trying to start a fire for cooking. They all had knives and saw me as a target. That's when I realized they were Purple Dragons. They wouldn't leave and tried to fight me, unfortunately for them they didn't lay a hand on me because I had used my blade to...you get the point." She paused. So she...killed a Purple Dragon? That's why their numbers had deceased...because she had killed some before we met her. "Anyways...when I was done fighting for my life I felt someone watching me and looked up to see Shredder staring down at me from a rooftop. He was looking impressed and jumped down to meet me." She paused again.


"Your skills are impressive. What is your name?" The man in armor asked as my right hand remained a saw blade. "Sawrina." I answered hesitantly as he nodded. "I am Shredder. You may address me as Master Shredder. You look like you've had quite the struggle. Join me and my Foot Clan. I will give you all you need to live and teach you all you need to know. You'll be my second-in-command." He offered as I gave it a quick thought. All I need to live means food, water, clothes, and shelter. Second-in-command? Of the Foot Clan? I had heard of them but I wasn't familiar with them. Sounds like it's worth it. "I'm in." I stated as he nodded.


"Sawrina?" I called her name for a third time. She had zoned out before quickly zoning back in. "Sorry." She mumbled before trying to get back on track with the story but remaining silent. "I...I don't think I can tell anymore right now." She choked out nervously before standing up and turning her entire body into a saw blade before jumping off the roof into an alleyway. The sound of a manhole cover closing was all I heard before silence. I knew this was a bad idea.

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