15|| Brotherly Arguments

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"True advice comes from the heart, not the mind."


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"On my signal." Leo ordered as we stood lined up on the rooftop while an alleyway lied just below us and in that alleyway was a warehouse with a bunch of Kraang robots loading mutagen in a white van. Donnie had sent us here after he heard there was a shipment about to take place. "Go!" Leo shouted as we jumped into the alleyway and destroyed any Kraang in sight.
I killed three, Leo got four, Sawrina got two, while Mikey and Donnie each got one. "I'll inspect the warehouse." Sawrina stated before disappearing inside. I opened up the back door to the van as rows of mutagen met my eyes. "What do we do with all of this?" I asked Donnie grabbed a few canisters before shoving them in his backpack. "We gotta take as much with us as possible. I need at least ten canisters to make a single batch of retromutagen." Donnie explained as I left him to handle that. "Guys, you need to see this." I heard Sawrina call as I lifted up the warehouse door to the very top. There were just a bunch of old cars inside. "Nice. A bunch of useless cars." I replied sarcastically as Leo nudged my shoulder with his elbow. "Not that. Over here." She said leading us to a burgundy colored car and a lever beside it. She pulled the lever causing the floor to open revealing an elevator. "Cool!" Mikey shouted before climbing in the elevator. "Mikey, what are you doing?" Leo questioned as Sawrina climbed in with him. "We need to see where this place goes. This could lead us to what the Kraang are up to." Sawrina informed as I climbed in. If it meant I could bust up some more robots, I was in for it. "You guys can't be serious." Leo said as Donnie followed. "You can stay up here but we're going." I insisted as he sighed before rolling his eyes and climbing in.

"What is this place?" I asked as we reached the bottom and left the elevator. There were a bunch of prison-like cells and it was like one giant cave. "It's like a prison." Sawrina answered before looking in one of the glass windows that revealed whatever was behind each door. "I'm guessing for mutants or failed experiments." Donnie added as I looked in one of the windows to a room with a weird looking blob of green goo however it had a red mask like mine and I could see all its disgusting organs inside it. "Is this where you were kept Sawrina?" Mikey asked as she shook her head no. "I was held captive in the actual TCRI building. This is entirely new to me." She said before looking in more of the rooms. "This one has a giant lizard guys." Mikey said as I looked in the room and saw a giant lizard with a bunch of techno stuff strapped to it. "That's a salamander. Or a newt. It could be either one." Donnie informed as the lizard punched the door causing us to jump back. "I'm gonna call you Newtralizer!" Mikey shouted as I smacked him. "Mikey, be quiet. We don't know what this place is or who is here." Leo warned as we followed down one of the hallways to more containment cells. "We shouldn't be here." Donnie said nervously as I sighed. "Guys, quiet!" Leo whispered as I heard footsteps. "Get in here." Donnie said as we all huddled into a cell in an effort to hide from whoever was coming. I peaked in the window and saw a...human? He was about Sawrina's height with brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a navy blue suit and tie. "Timothy." I heard Sawrina mumble. "Kraang, what is the status on the lizard?" The man asked as a robot approached. "The subject known as 502 was unsuccessful. They have failed to cooperate and are labeled dangerous." The Kraang bot said as Timothy growled. "Ever since 407 escaped, we've had no success! Change of plans. Find Subject 407. The one known as Sawrina." Timothy said before they walked away. We all were practically staring at Sawrina by now as she glanced back at us. "I can't let them find me. We gotta get out of here." She demanded as I nodded. "What's this do?" Mikey asked pointing to a button on the wall. "Mikey!" I called angrily before smacking him in the head. "You press anything and you won't get pizza for a month." Leo warned as he pouted before we walked out the cell and made our way back to the elevator.


"Sensei, the girl is being hunted by that guy. We need to capture him." I suggested as Splinter rubbed his chin. "My son, it is best to leave things well alone for now. You are not ready to be fighting this battle." Sensei argued as I growled. "So we just sit back and wait for them to keep capturing and mutating more people?" I questioned as he sighed. "Sensei is right. If we rush in to do this..we could be ahead of ourselves." Leo argued. "Just because you're leader doesn't mean you get to make all the decisions!" I shouted back.


"Yeah well I'm making this one. If we hurry up and go in to TCRI, we could get in more trouble than we can afford. Time will sort things out on its own." I heard Leo say as I walked in the dojo. "I'm not sitting by while the people of New York, who we are supposed to be protecting, are getting captured and mutated by some alien freaks who are possibly trying to invade Earth!" Raph shouted as I stood by the door. Maybe now was a bad time but I was curious.
"You're so blindsided, Raph! All you like to do is bust heads. Your anger gets in the way of rational thinking. Get your head out of your biceps and back in the game. We gotta figure out how to do this the smart way instead of the Raph way." Leo fired back. That was a little harsh. I could tell Sensei was growing upset by this. Maybe I should step in.
"Enough!" I shouted as they both turned my direction. "You two seem to have your own brotherly collection of disagreements however those disagreements can wait. You're a team so act like one." I said sternly as Raph growled and left angrily followed by Leo. "Come child." Sensei said as he sat on a small cushion that rested in front of a small wooden table with two tea cups and a pot lying on it. I walked over and knelt down in front of him. "Thank you. Unfortunately things like this happen more often than they should." Splinter said sadly before offering me a cup which I accepted gratefully. "If you don't mind me asking Splinter, why did you make Leo the leader?" I questioned. Why would Leo not be leader? He had a good heart. He was strong, brave, courageous, and only wanted to help his brothers. He had the heart and mind of a leader plus he was slightly more mature than the rest of his brothers. "I made Leonardo leader because he possesses the necessary skills for a leader. He trained his whole life more than any of his brothers to please me but he never had to do that because I am already proud of each one of them." Splinter said before taking a sip from the mug. "Raphael is not able to cope with being leader. He simply can't handle risking his brothers versus his own life. This quality makes him beyond special because of its rarity. Very few beings have the ability to give their life up for another and Raphael happens to be one of those beings. You happen to be one too. I can see it in your eyes and in your heart." Splinter stated. Raph did have that ability. I could easily see it in battle. He was the first to strike and always watched his brothers carefully making sure they're alright even if it distracts him and he takes a beating. "My only fear is that the dispute between power will cause a strain on their relationship. It will cause trouble for the team as well and amongst themselves." Sensei said frowning slightly. "I won't let them. They're brothers and brothers fight." I said before standing and bowing as I left the dojo.
Whatever happens, I'll make sure they keep it together. The whole team.

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