22|| Reasoning

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"When in darkness, remember to look for the light."


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The Shell Raiser was fun to ride in and for a mutant turtle, Leo wasn't too bad of a driver. Donnie eventually said I should be in charge of defense and making sure that Raph and Mikey are "behaving" as he so lovingly puts it.

I stood leaning against the desk in Donnie's workshop as he continued attaching wires and working on the bomb we planned to use for TCRI. It would be planted on the portal and there would be another one planted on the bottom floors so it took care of the whole building pretty much. "And you're sure these will work?" I questioned as Donnie started tying a thin green wire to a thicker yellow one. "Well...it's kinda hard to test these kind of things so we'll just have to hope for the best." Donnie said sounding like he lacked his work much more than expected. "So how exactly will they go off?" I asked as I handed him the wire cutters to get rid of any extra wire and make sure that it was secured properly. "We'll place this one on the portal. After I cut the green wire, we'll have exactly 10 minutes to get out. No more and no less. They'll be a Kraang stealth ship on the top that can be taken and the bomb on the bottom floors will go off in 10 minutes as well. Hopefully we'll all be at a safe distance." Donnie explained before he went back to doing his work. Despite the way his brothers sometimes belittle his scientific efforts, especially Raph, I really did appreciate the hard work and time Donnie put into his creations. He would stay up all night most of the time just to make things for his brothers and I on missions while the next day I would come in the lab and his desk would be lined with empty coffee cups. I had no idea how he did it but I was grateful for it. "I kinda came up with a plan of my own for how we can do this, I just have to get it cleared by Leo." He stammered a little before sliding a piece of paper in front of me. It was blueprints of TCRI and a bunch of pencil markings and writing scattered throughout the pages. "We can enter through the bottom, sneak into the elevator, and then split up. Two will stay near the bottom and three will go to the top. I already know you plan on handling that Timothy Kraang guy so you should go to the top." Donnie said as he pointed to each part of the blueprint. His plan wasn't too bad but there were definitely some blind spots. "I just don't exactly know how the three on top will get out yet because when the bomb goes off, the building will crumble." He added on before placing his head in his hands frustratedly. "What about the Kraang stealth ships? They keep at least two or three at the top." I stated as he nodded. "This may work. I hope it does at the least." Donnie said smiling a little before I patted his shoulder and left the lab. The plan still had a few blind spots but I'm sure it will work out. We can improvise if we have to, all that matters is that we all come out alive.
"That's why your always Splinter's favorite! Mr. Perfection!" I heard Raph yell as me and Donnie stared at each other with concern before going to the living room where Mikey stood off to the side as Leo and Raph argued. "Real mature Raph." Leo replied before turning to leave as Raph did the same. "What happened this time?" Donnie asked looking in Mikey's direction. "They had a disagreement over who's the better leader again." He stated before leaving. "They've been at each other's throats consistently. Why can't they just be nice for once?" Donnie mumbled before leaving. As much as it shouldn't, I felt the need to find Leo. I wish to know why this happens so much.

I found Leo in the dojo meditating as I approached before sitting on my knees in front of him. "Does this happen often?" I questioned cautiously as Leo opened his eyes revealing the ocean blue irises threw his mask. "As much as I wish it didn't...it does." He responded sadly before standing up as I did the same. "Raph's always been jealous of me because I'm leader. He thinks he would be more capable but last time he was in this position, he froze up and almost got Mikey killed. I would've thought by now he learned his place on this team but...perhaps not." Leo vaguely said. There was something about that statement that made my blood boil. I wasn't sure why but it did. "Have you ever tried seeing Raph's side?" I asked curiously as he sighed. "Every time I try an talk to Raph, he shuts me out or yells at me again. It's almost like he's looking for trouble. I came to terms with the fact that he's a closed book and doesn't want anyone opening it." Leo said before I felt my blood pressure rise. So he would just give up on his own brother? "So you've given up?" I questioned as he sighed heavily. "He's your brother. I can relate to Raph in a way. We don't like people seeing our emotions. We want to look strong so we can defend others who can't defend themselves. We don't want to look weak or sensitive. We don't tell anyone anything because if we don't...no one can use it against us. We're closed books but we have a key. You can't just give up on him. You didn't give up on me if I recall when you found me in the sewers, and Raph didn't even want me here to begin with. Try hearing his side for once." I explained as Leo turned his glance to the floor before walking away.
If they want to get along, they can't stop trying. None of us can.

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