5|| Dinner

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"It's not about the words being said. It's about whether or not you believe it."


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The dining room wasn't much. Well it wasn't even technically a dining room, just a circular, wooden table in the middle of the living room. We all sat around it. I sat between Raph and Leo while an empty chair sat across from me but I already had an idea of who's chair that was...Hamato Yoshi.
"Is Sensei joining us?" Donnie asked before I heard footsteps. "Yes I will Donatello." I heard a voice as I turned to see a mutant rat about my height in the doorway of a room walking towards us and taking a seat at the table. "Master Splinter, this is Sawrina. Sawrina...this is our Sensei." Leo introduced as I observed him carefully. He had a long beard and was wearing a burgundy colored Japanese kimono. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Child. You may address me as Splinter. These are my sons however I'm sure you've been properly introduced to them." Splinter stated as I nodded. He seemed nice in a way and his accent had a certain tone of wisdom to it. "Yeah. They're very welcoming." I said slightly lying because Raph wasn't exactly the nicest however I know what it's like meeting new people and I'm not the nicest towards them either. "I'm pleased to hear that. You have my permission to stay with us as long as you choose and if you would like, I can train you. Leonardo has told me about your skills and weapons of choice. I would be honored to see you in action once you are healed completely and possibly teach you something new." He asked as I smiled slightly and nodded. "Sure." I stated as we all began eating our slices of pizza. I had never had pizza before but once I took a bite, it tasted amazing!
"My Sons. Training will be tomorrow morning. I hope to see you there, Sawrina." Splinter informed as I smiled slightly before continuing to eat my dinner. "Sensei, you should see her saw blades! They're awesome!" Mikey said excitingly as I chuckled a little and shook my head. "I would love to however it should wait until training tomorrow if she chooses to join us." Splinter said as he wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up. "Thank you Michelangelo for dinner and it is nice to meet you once again Sawrina. I will see you all at training tomorrow morning at 9am." He said glancing at me before leaving the room. "He totally likes you." Mikey said happily before grabbing his fourth slice of pizza. How could he eat so much? "Mikey, have some manners for our guest." Leo said as he handed Mikey a napkin. "What are manners?" I questioned. I had never heard of manners before which is probably why I got such questionable looks from them. "It's just the way someone does something but like...proper." Donnie explained as he pushed his glasses up. "I'm heading off to bed. Night guys." Leo said as he stood up and I followed. I was pretty tired myself however a descent sleep was pretty hard for me to get. "Night." Donnie said as Raph followed behind me and Mikey to our rooms.
I crawled in my bed pulling the blankets over me and laying my head down eventually closing my eyes.


I woke up and looked at the clock on the wall.
Mikey was already cooking breakfast, I could smell bacon and pancakes from our room, Leo was most likely getting a head start in today's training, and Donnie was for sure in his lab working on some lame gadget. As for Sawrina, I glanced over and saw her sleeping peacefully. I climbed down from my bed and put on my mask before placing my sais in my belt and turning to leave until I was caught off guard by a thought.
Maybe I should wake her up?
I approached her quietly and placed a hand on her right shoulder noticing how tense she was. Why was she so tensed up all the time? I shook her slightly as she shot up and glared at me. "What do you want?" She asked sounding frustrated. "It's 8:03 in the morning. Training is at 9. Mikey's making breakfast. I woke you so you'd have time to eat and do what you gotta do." I said hearing the rough tone in my voice. She tossed her legs over the edge of the bed and reached into the box that had all her clothes and toiletries in it. "Do you have a shower I could use?" She asked as I nodded. "Down that hall. First door on your left." I directed as she stood up and left the room with her stuff. I wonder why she woke up so panicky?


I stared at myself in the mirror. I wore my ninja armor proudly and had pulled my wet hair into the usual side braid. Now I was just staring at my own reflection debating on when I should leave the room but I just couldn't stop thinking. The longer I looked in that mirror, the more I kept seeing myself as a monster. I had done so many things for Shredder and I deserve way less than what these turtles have done for me.

I walked into the kitchen area and saw Mikey flipping pancakes in a pan, Raph was reading a magazine, and the other two were nowhere to be found. I sat down at the table and fidgeted with the end of my braid. "Morning Dudette." Mikey greeted me as he walked over and placed a white ceramic plate in front of me. "Morning." I said tiredly noticing Raph who was watching me over his magazine.
New York Sports
The title read. I was very observant even when I didn't need to be. It was a very important skill of the ninja.
"Breakfast is served." Mikey said.

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