13|| Parasitica

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"People fear what they do not understand."


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"Guys...I did some research on the egg and look at this." Donnie said as we gathered around the dining room table in front of Donnie's laptop. "It's called a Parasitic Wasp. According to this website, the wasp's sting infects a host with a virus that brainwashes them into protecting their egg. Then, once the egg hatches, the newborn will feed off of the host." Donnie explained as I took a second to take in the information. "So the wasp is going to eat him!" Mikey shouted as Raph smacked him. "Not if we destroy the egg." Donnie stated as Raph pulled out his sais. "No problem." He said as he walked towards the lab but I grabbed his arm. "Hold on now Raph. We need to plan this. Leo's been brainwashed into protecting the egg so he won't let us near it. We need to figure out how to create a distraction so we can protect each other." I explained as Donnie continued scrolling. "Apparently the virus is contagious by a bite. If Leo bites one of us...we'll be infected as well." Donnie explained as Mikey made a squeal in fear.  "But why would Leo bite one of us?" Raph asked. "The virus probably gave him bug instincts. Maybe he thinks he's an insect." Donnie questioned as I took another look at Donnie's laptop. "It says here that a cure can be created with a sample of the hosts DNA." I informed. "If I can get close enough to Leo...maybe I can create a cure, but that won't be easy." Donnie said as I nodded. "Mikey, you can capture him in your kusarigama chain and I can pin him down that way Donnie can get a sample from his blood and Raph can take the egg and destroy it." I explained. "That actually might work. But we'll have to be extremely cautious to not get bit." Donnie said as Mikey pulled out his Kusarigama chain and Raph pulled out his sais. "Ok...let's do this." Raph said as we made our way to the lab. "On my signal." Donnie said as I watched Leo who was in a trance-like state towards the egg. "Now!" Donnie said as we rushed into the lab and Mikey wrapped the chain around Leo as I jumped up and landed on his plastron before pinning him to the floor pressing my right leg on his left arm and my left leg on his right arm. "Hurry Donnie!" I said as he put up quite the struggle but I maintained my stance as Donnie stuck the needle in Leo's neck. Leo's eyes were completely dilated as he squirmed trying to fight back. "Raph, get the egg!" I called as Donnie withdrew the needle but Leo managed to break free and pinned me to the ground trying to bite me as I kicked him off. "Hurry!" Donnie shouted as Mikey pulled out his nunchucks and swung at Leo but he dodged them and threw Mikey against the wall. "Leo! Stop this! It's not you, it's the virus!" I said trying to see if I could snap him out of it somehow but it didn't work which was no surprise. "Let's get out of here!" Raph said as Leo took the egg from his grasp and bit his arm. "Raph!" Mikey shouted as I rushed over and kicked Leo away from him. "You bit me!" Raph shouted angrily as I pushed Raph behind me before Leo charged but I kicked him in the plastron and sent him against the wall, knocking him unconscious. "Let's go!" I said urgently as I helped Raph out the room.
Well that didn't go as planned. "Donnie, you better make a cure and fast! Mikey...watch this door! Do not let Leo out! I don't care what he says or does...you open these doors and we'll have a problem!" I warned as we all rushed around. "Come on Raph." I said as I grabbed his arm and made our way to the living room. "Shouldn't we call Splinter?" I asked as Donnie sighed. "Splinter went out for a meditation exercise." Donnie informed as I sighed and looked at the bite mark on Raph's arm. It wasn't deep but it was enough to bruise and bleed just a little. "We need to tie him up. Just in case." Donnie said as I thought of what we should do. "No way. I'm fine! I don't need any help!" Raph said angrily. He was already losing his temper and his eyes were getting dilated like Leos. "Mikey! Come here." I called as Mikey ran in. "Use your kusarigama chain and tie Raph up." Donnie said as Mikey did just that. "No! Leave me alone! I'm fine!" Raph shouted as he shoved Mikey to the floor and pulled out his sais. I quickly grabbed Mikey's nunchucks and carefully hit Raph in the head with them just enough to knock him out. "There. That should help a little." I said as I knelt down beside Mikey. "You ok?" I asked as he rubbed his head revealing a bruise that started to form. "I'm ok." He said as I helped him up. "Let's get you some ice." I said as I went to the freezer and pulled out an ice pack before going back to the lab and handing it to Mikey. "We need to tie him up. If Leo is still unconscious...we can put Raph in the room with him." Donnie explained as I nodded. Me and Mikey carried Raph to the lab doors where Leo still remained unconscious as we laid him on the floor. We made sure the door was secured behind us.

"How's that cure coming along, Donnie?" I asked as Donnie mixed chemicals continuously. "It's almost done. It just needs to sit in this centrifuge for ten minutes." Donnie explained as I nodded. "We need to get that egg out of there." I said as I walked out the room. If there was ever a good time...it was now.
I quickly opened the lab door and checked the turtles. They were both still out cold. I noticed the egg rested on the floor beside some turned over equipment. I quietly picked it up before turning to leave when I felt something grab my arm and turned to see Raph standing there. "Raph...I don't wanna hurt you, but if I have to...I will." I warned. "Give it to me." He said angrily as I forced myself to maintain eye contact. "I can't do that." I said boldly as he stepped closer and his grip on my arm grew tighter. "I won't ask you again." He demanded as I braced myself for whatever was about to happen. "No." I said as he shoved me against the wall. It was painful but I made sure that my grip never left the egg. "That's it!" He said as he picked me up and then slammed me on the floor. "Sawrina!" I heard Mikey shout as he went to open the door. "No Mikey! Do not open that door!" I shouted. If I have to get bit in order to protect them from their own brothers I will. I felt a trickle of blood run down my chin. "Raph stop it!" I heard Donnie shout as he went to open the door. "Do not open that door!" I warned again as I kicked Raph in the plastron and stood up. He charged at me before I dodged his strike and kicked his shell sending him against the wall. "I don't wanna do this Raph!" I warned as he charged again but I failed to dodge the attack and felt my right shoulder dislocate. I held my shoulder as I stood up again and maintained my stance. It has to happen. Leo awoke and grabbed my injured shoulder before throwing me against the floor but I landed on my feet until I felt something sharp enter my arm. I had been infected.

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