6|| Training

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"Never underestimate one's abilities."


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"Sawrina, you will first spar against Michelangelo, then Donatello, Raphael, and Leonardo last." Splinter ordered as Mikey stepped up on the mat about five feet in front of me. "Hajime!" Splinter shouted which I knew was Japanese for begin.
I waited until Mikey charged at me before quickly dodging his nunchucks and sliding under his arms behind him morphing my hands into saw blades as he turned around and charged again. I jumped up as he swung his left nunchuck before I used one of my blades to cut the chain that connected the two handles leaving him with one left. He pulled out a kusarigama chain and swung it around him as I smirked slightly. Two can play that game. I pulled out my scalpel chain from my left hip holster and swung it above me as Mikey backed up and swung his chain at me but I dodged it and spun quickly in a circle with mine knocking him on his shell. "Ya'me!" Splinter shouted which was Japanese for stop. "Well done. Donatello, you are next." Splinter stated as I offered Mikey a hand which he accepted before placing my scalpel chain back in its holster.
Donnie charged quickly spinning his bo staff as I dodged every hit and pulled out a shuriken, throwing it at him but he caught it with his staff as I morphed my hands into blades and blocked his swing, grabbing the stick and tossing it to the floor. He maintained his stance continuing to fight before I gave him a powerful kick to the plastron sending him to the floor. "Ya'me! Raphael. You're up." Splinter said.
Raph appeared to be more of a challenge. He was definitely the most fit meaning he was probably the strongest and his weapon of choice were sais which were much more difficult to break.
I morphed my hands into saw blades as he charged me, kicking me in the chest and knocking me back against a wall. I stood up ignoring the pain and morphed my entire body into a blade before jumping in the air and landing behind him as he continued to fight me in that form but it was much more difficult. I morphed back using my hands as blades and blocking all his strikes before he knocked me on my feet and pinned me on the floor. I struggled to break free but he easily let me go once I turned my head into a blade and swung at him. I stood up and pulled out my scalpel chain before swinging it at him and knocking one of his sais out of his hands. He continued to fight me as I jumped over him and kicked him in the shell knocking him on the ground before he swung his legs at me and I fell on my stomach. He stood up and looked down at me as I hid the smirk on my face before quickly turning around, grabbing his left arm, picking him up, and swinging him over my shoulder as he fell to the ground. "Ya'me!" Splinter shouted as I offered a hand that he refused before picking up his sai and stepping off the mat. He was such a sore loser. I chuckled a little after hearing Mikey bust out in pure laughter. "Leonardo. You're up." Splinter said.
I waited for this one. I wanted to see what the leader was capable of.
I pulled out my two katanas as Leo charged and our katanas instantly collided. We continued swinging as the sound of metal clinging filled the room. We dodged, swung, and struck but both of us remained on our feet. He charged me as I used one katana to trip him and did a front roll under him before he stood up and we continued fighting. He threw four shurikens at me as I threw a katana in the air and morphed my left hand into a blade blocking them all before catching the katana and kicking him in the plastron as he fell to the floor and I held a blade just above his neck. "Ya'me!" Splinter shouted as I offered a hand which he accepted.
"You're not too bad. Where'd you learn to fight like that?" Leo asked as I sighed. "Most of it's self taught, however I won't deny that Shredder did teach me many things." I stated as Splinter approached me. "You have great potential and you make an excellent fighter. I look forward to training you myself." He said as I nodded before he left the room. "That was awesome! Who knew you had so many weapons! My favorite part was when you picked Raph up and threw him! That was awesome!" Mikey said running up to me as I chuckled a little. "What was that thingy you were swinging around?" He asked as I reached in my left holster and pulled out my scalpel chain.

"It's called a Scalpel Chain

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"It's called a Scalpel Chain. It has been used by many great Samurai in the past and I find it very helpful in many situations." I informed as I handed it to Mikey. Mikey had nunchucks so I found him oddly trustworthy with such a dangerous weapon. "Wow." He said happily as I took it back from him. "It is one of the most dangerous weapons and in the wrong hands, can easily be used against the user." I said as I noticed a nice smile on Leo's face. "That's so cool!" Mikey said as I noticed Leo who kept looking at my katanas. I pulled one out and handed it to him. The sound of a katana being removed from its sheath never got old or boring. Leo glazed upon the blade in his hand.

"Where did you get these? They're so much heavier than mine

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"Where did you get these? They're so much heavier than mine." Leo asked as I placed the katana back in its sheath. "They were given to me by Shredder. I continue to use them only because they have proven to be useful." I said as he smiled. "Alright guys, enough ninja talk, let's get some lunch shall we?" Donnie asked as we all nodded. Raph seemed angry but he'll get over it.
As for me, I think I've finally found some, what do people call them? Friends?

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