28|| Blueprints

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"It doesn't matter if you fail...you just have to try."


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After managing to escape Raph's horrible attempt at making conversation this morning, I found myself returning to the dojo seeing Mikey having a fun time with my weapon. I decided to let him keep messing around with it only because I trusted him with it as dangerous as that may be but he does have a Kusarigama chain so he has a little bit of experience. I ended up going to Donnie's lab and keeping him company. It was strange because when one of his brothers came in, he wanted them gone as soon as possible but when I came in rather it be because I needed something or was simply curious and bored, he wouldn't push me away. He didn't mind if I stood beside him and watched him work or even if I made a slight recommendation every now and then. Donnie seemed to enjoy my company and I had to admit that we shared some good laughs every now and then. He talked and I listened followed by an occasional comment. We seemed to get along pretty well.

I sat on a chair across the lab as Donnie worked on some climbing tools that we could use for his plan. We plan to break into TCRI tonight. Whether it goes smoothly or not will all depend on us. As risky as all this was and as much as it appeared, nothing about this was for revenge. The truth is that there's a lot of mutants and innocent people stuck in that building and most of the mutants are failed experiments that we have no choice but to defeat because we can't have deadly failed experiments roaming the New York City streets. I had no interest in that. I just want people to be reunited with their families and all that horrible science garbage get destroyed. That portal and those Kraang aliens as well. "I have a semi-full proof plan!" Donnie said as I stood up and approached his workbench to see the tools he finished. "Can you go get the others?" He requested as I nodded before walking over to the door and poking my head around the corner. "Guys! Donnie needs you in the lab." I called as they all came quickly. We crowded around the table as Donnie had some metal brass knuckle looking type tools and a paper mapping the blueprints of TCRI. "So here's the main entrance. Here's the elevator shaft. We can use these tools to climb all the way to the top and plant the bomb directly on the portal." Donnie explained as he pointed to each part of the blueprint. I hated to point out the negative spots but there were many. The first was how would we enter? The second was what would we do about the captives? The third was how would we be able to bring down the whole building if we put the bomb at the top? And the last...how do we get out? The interesting part is that Leo knew what I was thinking. "Donnie, we really appreciate the effort you've put into this but there's a few blind areas." Leo started before listing out exactly what I was thinking. What's that quote people say? Great minds think alike? Eh whatever. "Look Guys I'm trying my best. I don't have a lot of materials so unless you feel like making a trip to the junkyard, I'm working with what I've got." Donnie protested as Leo sighed heavily. "Looks like you're gonna need to come up with something then, because this won't work. We need at least two bombs, an entrance plan, an extraction plan, a backup plan, and what about the hostages and those failed experiments? We need to think about every little detail and most importantly, what do we do when we're prepared to leave? How will we get out?"Leo explained frustratedly and I could tell Donnie was starting to lose it. "Look, I don't see anyone else trying to step up and be the brains of the team so unless you want to do my part of the job, then back off!" Donnie argued before standing up and rolling up the blueprint paper, pushing it off to the side. "There is no change in positions. You're the brains, Raph's the brawn, Mikey's the...well he's Mikey, and I'm the leader. That's how it has always been and that's how it always will be!" Leo said as he slammed a fist on the table before stomping out. Mikey left not too long after and Raph followed as Donnie sat down and sighed into his palms covering his face. I don't exactly know how to comfort people. I'm not the greatest but he could use it. "Look, your heart is in the right place. You have all the information you need. It's just a couple blind spots, you'll fix them. I know you will." I encouraged as I sat back in my chair. "They just don't understand. Intelligence is just as important as strength...anyways, thanks Rina." Donnie mumbled under his breath before unrolling the blueprints and reading them over. He means well...I just wish people respected his intelligence more.


I felt guilty for what I had said to Donnie. He works hard all the time for us barely getting any sleep and when a mission is unsuccessful, he beats himself up about it even when it's not his fault. "Leonardo, I overheard your dispute with Donatello." I heard a voice as I turned and saw Sensei standing there. "I just can't get them on the same page Sensei. Donnie is always neck deep in his work, Mikey is always distracted, and all Raph wants to do is train and work out." I explained frustratedly followed by a sigh. "They're brothers. You shouldn't want them to think on the same page. Their different personalities is what makes them special. A good leader understands this...a good brother accepts it." Sensei expressed wisely before leaving.
Whatever I need to do...I'll make sure this works.

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