9|| Mutagen Hunt

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"Wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from making mistakes."


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It had been two days since that shipment of mutagen spilled all over the city. The rise in mutant sightings has definitely gone up however the Turtles and I have been working on a plan to recover the mutagen canisters. We have to get it now more than ever...especially since Shredder is looking for it.

"Morning Dudes. Dudette." Mikey said tiredly as he walked into the kitchen and pulled out a box of pop tarts to put in the toaster. "Morning." Leo said as he sat beside me reading a Space Heroes comic book. "Where's Raph?" He asked. "Probably sleeping. Sawrina can you go check?" Leo asked as I nodded before standing up and making my way to our room. I quietly opened the door seeing Raph sleeping peacefully in his bunk as I felt a small smile make its way on my face. I closed the door and walked back to the kitchen where I sat back down beside Leo. "Sleeping." I said as I went back to eating my breakfast. "Mikey, how is your shell?" I asked remembering when it cracked. He glanced down revealing a completely healed spot on his plastron that looked barely noticeable. "Whatever you did, it worked." Leo said as I smirked a little. "Don't feel a thing." Mikey said in a humorous tone as Donnie walked in. "So he finally comes out of his lab." I joked as he chuckled. "I have good news. I finished making some devices that can track mutagen within a two mile radius. However, there's only three trackers so we'll have to split up." Donnie informed as he placed one of the tracker's on the table.
It was a small, hand-held radio looking device with an antenna, a circular screen, and a few buttons. "If it lights up green then there's mutagen nearby but if it's red then there's nothing detected. The screen will make it slightly easier when looking for the mutagen's location and the speed of the beeping sound will tell you if you're getting closer or farther from it." Donnie explained as I nodded in understanding. I picked up the tracker and observed it before handing it back to Donnie. "We'll head out tonight and start searching nearby." Leo said before standing up and leaving the room. Donnie left to go back to his lab and Mikey left to go play pinball. I figured I'd go see what Leo was up to.

I made my way to the dojo where I found him swinging his katanas around. "Sparring alone?" I questioned as he looked my way and smiled. "I was. Up for a rematch?" He asked as I smirked and walked on the mat, standing about six or seven feet in front of him. "Any special requests?" I asked as he chuckled a little. "No blades." He replied as I pulled out my two katanas and got in a fighting stance. "Hajime!" He shouted as I charged at him. He blocked my strike as I jumped back. He charged at me as I blocked his right katana and used mine to release it from his grasp leaving him with one weapon. I threw a shuriken but he swatted it away with his remaining blade and struck me with his fist sending me backwards as I dropped one of my katanas.
I stood up stiffly holding tightly to my remaining blade before charging but this time I jumped over his head and landed behind him kicking him firmly in his shell, knocking him off his feet as I held a blade to his throat. I had no intentions of actually hurting him, that's just how ninjas show they won a battle. Rule number one of Ninjutsu was to do no harm unless you intend to do harm, then you must do lots of harm.
"Not bad, Rina. You beat me twice." He said as I placed my katana back in its sheath before picking up Leo's and handing them to him as I offered him a hand off the floor. "Well...third times a charm." I said as he chuckled.


"Alright guys. Ya ready?" Leo asked as I finished sharpening my katanas before placing them in their sheaths. "Yeah." Raph said as he twirled his sais in his hands. "Let's move." Leo said as we followed behind him to the nearest manhole cover and up to the surface. I climbed a nearby fire escape up to the rooftops as they did the same. "So what's the plan?" I asked as Donnie pulled out three of the mutagen trackers he showed us earlier. "Here. Sawrina and Raph will go together. Me and Mikey will go together. Leo...you good on your own?" Donnie asked as he handed me and Leo both trackers. "I'll be fine." He said as he jumped onto another rooftop before disappearing into the night. "Alright. We'll meet back at the lair at midnight." Donnie said before he ran off with Mikey leaving me and Raph who went an opposite direction.

I held the tracker in my hand as we continued to walk across rooftops. "So, I heard ya beat Leo again in sparring today." Raph started a conversation. "I suppose." Was all I said before I continued to observe the small device. "You say that a lot ya know." He said. "So I've been told." I said as I took a quick view in a nearby alleyway. "You don't talk much do ya?" He asked as I sighed. I hate small talk. "I don't go around a lot of people." I replied before jumping to another rooftop. "Why not? You're human. You blend in perfectly." Raph said as I sighed. I hate how he automatically thinks because I'm human I fit perfectly in with humans. I may but I have my reasons for staying out of the human world. "Is that what you think?" I questioned sternly as I could feel my anger rise but I took a quick deep breath. "No. I just mean that...if I were human, I'd be down there living a normal life." Raph said pointing a finger to the streets of New York. "Normal? You think because you'd be a human, you'd be living a normal life?" I spat. I was losing control of my anger. "I lived on the streets of New York alone every night until Shredder found me. I was surviving off of newspaper, cardboard boxes, stealing, and fighting. You wanna tell me that's normal? I don't know what normal is. I've never heard of normal. I prefer to be alone because I don't want to get hurt or to hurt others." I said angrily. Raph just stood there and stared at me curiously. "I'm just asking. You could have a good life down there." He said making me more frustrated at his lack of understanding. "You wanna know why I stay hidden? Because in the shadows, I have nothing to worry about. No judgement. No opinions. Just me." I said as I felt my eyes water. "It doesn't hurt to rely on others. There's nothing bad about having family or friends. I wouldn't want to be alone my whole life but I don't have a choice. You do. You can go to the store and buy stuff, as soon as I step in those doors...people will scream." He said as the sorrow stood out in his voice. "I'm still a mutant, Raph. They'll never accept me even if I look normal." I stated before the tracker started beeping.

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