The Reptile Room 2

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The children all realized the same thing at the same time and took a step back as you might from a growling dog. This man wasn't Stephano, no matter what he called himself. The four children looked at Uncle Monty's new assistant from head to toe and saw that he was none other than Count Olaf. He may have shaved off his one long eyebrow, and grown a beard over his scraggly chin, but there was no way he could hide the tattoo of an eye on his ankle.

"Good morning. I am Stephano, Dr Montgomery Montomery's new assistant." Count Olaf said in a heavy horrible accent.

"It's afternoon, and you're Count Olaf," Klaus said firmly.

"Perhaps, one of you can take my suitcases up to my room. The ride along Lousy Lane was dull and unpleasant, and Stephano is very tired." Count Olaf said.

"You are Count Olaf, and if anyone deserved to travel along Lousy Lane, it's you," Violet yelled harshly.

"We will certainly not help you with your luggage, because we will not let you in this house." Nadia snapped, and Count Olaf looked at her with an eyebrow raised. Klaus tried to close the door but was stopped by Count Olaf putting a knife between the door.

"Well, I see you children haven't changed a bit." Count Olaf said in his normal sinister voice, walking towards the children with a knife, which caused the children to back up the stairs.

"Violet, you are obviously stubborn as ever, Klaus, you are still wearing those idiotic glasses from reading too many books. Katrina, you are still trying to protect the foolish children. And I can see Sunny still has nine toes, instead of ten," Count Olaf laughed.

"Uh, oh!" Sunny babbled.

"What are you talking about? My sister has ten fingers instead of nine like the vast majority of people." Klaus asked, not understanding Count Olaf's insult.

" Really? That's odd. I could have sworn that she lost one of her toes in an accident. I seem to recall a man named Stephano being confused by children calling him Count Olaf that he accidentally dropped one of his knives on one of her little feet and severed her toes."

"You wouldn't dare," Violet said holding tightly onto Sunny, while Nadia stood protectively in front of her.

"Let's not discuss what I would or would not dare to do. Instead, let's discuss your poor unfortunate parents," Count Olaf said lightly tapping his knife on the piano.

"Your father and mother were very brave in their days. Your mother was also annoying.....always sticking her nose in other people's business, but alas she can, no more, .......their days are done, Baudelaires, Jewels. " Count Olaf said while imitating an explosion.

"That's not a photo of their parents," Nadia said.

"Yes it is, they are inside the piano." Count Olaf admitted.

"How do you know that?" Nadia asked sceptically.

"I took the picture. And all that's left of them is their enormous fortune, and that enormous is mine." Count Olaf whispered.

"-Never." Klaus snapped.

"-Never is a very long time. And your ridiculous uncle will be back in a few seconds. Wait for one, two, three." Count Olaf counted.

Before he could count more the screeching iguana clock struck.


"AHHHH!" Count Olaf shouted and jumped back.

"Go!" Klaus shouted.

Klaus, Violet, Nadia, and Sunny ran straight into the Reptile Room. Klaus slammed the door behind them.

★ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝖎𝖗𝖑 𝖂𝖍𝖔 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ★ (𝓐𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓮)Where stories live. Discover now