The Austere Academy

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More doom and gloom for the Baudelaire orphans, and school as well

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More doom and gloom for the Baudelaire orphans, and school as well. 

Dear Customer, 

If you are looking for a story about cheerful youngsters spending a jolly time at boarding school, look elsewhere. You might expect that Violet, Klaus, Nadia and Sunny would do very well at school. Don't. For the Baudelaires, school turns out to be another miserable episode in their unlucky lives. Within the chapters of this dreadful story, the children will face snapping crabs, strict punishments, dripping fungus, comprehensive exams, violin recitals, S.O.R.E and the metric system. It is my solemn duty to stay up all night researching and recording the history of these three hapless youngsters, but you may be more comfortable getting a good night's sleep. In that case, you should probably choose some other tape. 

With all due respect,

 Lemony Snicket and Emily Alexander.

"You probably shouldn't be here. This is a secret passageway in a restricted area about one-third of the way through a dreadful and upsetting story. My name is Lemony Snicket. If you've been following the story as closely as some people have, then you know that nobody should be here. Because everything about Baudelaire's situation is horrible to contemplate." Lemony said 

"This is quite an important chapter in the Jewels life as well. As feelings end and new feelings arrive. With new friends and foes. And a mystery to solve." Emily said. "Even if the story is quite full of misery one cannot deny that the story is intriguing as well, with its twists and turns."

'I wholeheartedly agree," Lemony said as they shared a smile and they blurred out of focus.


It was a normal day for Nadia as she walked into the school cafeteria, she took one look at the school's disgusting food and had to fight the urge to gag. The food was depressing looking and looked more like a grey blob. Nevertheless, she took a tray filled with gross looking food, and then she felt someone push her. She almost stumbled but managed to stay on her feet. She made eye contact with the school's barbie aka Carmelita Spats. All the pink in the world couldn't disguise the fact that she was a spoiled brat. Rolling her eyes, she glared at the red barbie doll. Calling her a barbie doll was an insult to barbie, she thought amusingly.

"Watch where you are going, cakesniffer." Carmelita practically shouted.

If you were going to give a gold medal to the least delightful person on Earth, you would have to give that medal to a person named Carmelita Spats, and if you didn't give it to her, Carmelita Spats was the sort of person who would snatch it from your hands anyway. Carmelita Spats was rude, she was violent, and she was filthy, and it is a shame that I must describe her to you because there are enough ghastly and distressing things in this story without even mentioning such an unpleasant person.

"The only cakesniffer I see is you, Carmelita." Nadia retorted as she walked away, not letting Carmelita get the last word.

She sat at an empty table, missing her best friend Sophia.  She studied in a different school so they could only meet on the weekends. Don't get her wrong she had friends, but most of them were goons of Carmelita and the few per cent of people who weren't, she didn't even know if they existed. Carmelita had been shocked that Nadia didn't bow down to her and practically hated the girl.

★ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝖎𝖗𝖑 𝖂𝖍𝖔 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ★ (𝓐𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓮)Where stories live. Discover now