The Carnivorous Carnival 2

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The belly of the beast is an interesting term. It means being in the middle of a very bad situation or a dangerous place. You can be in the "Belly of the Beast" if you go into the central command of enemy headquarters. In this miserable chapter the word "the belly of the beast" will be used 3 times not counting the times I have said it.

"We don't have long, Count Olaf would be here any minute," Olivia said worriedly. "We are in the belly of the Beast"

 "Why are you disguised as a Fortune Teller?" Klaus asked.

"A fortune teller is just a librarian with smoke and Mirrors," Olivia said smiling. The children chuckled. 

"I may have lost you at Prufrock Prep but I never forgot you or your friends. After the Quagmires were kidnapped I headed to the city to help them. That's where I met Jaques Snicket and joined VFD."

"The volunteer fire department," Violet said as she came to the realisation.

 "They were trying to save the quagmires. We almost had them at the Village of Fowl Devotees. But Count Olaf captured us. I made a deal with Esme to get us out of jail. Jaques stayed behind. I went to find out the bravest agent in the field. This Carnival is a place that VFD gather information. There is no real madam Lulu. It's just an alias for whichever volunteer is stationed here. It's a rotating position. the previous madam Lulu took my taxi to the hospital to retrieve a very important sugar bowl before Esme could get her hands on it. But she hasn't come back. And Jaques... "Olivia trailed.  "Well, he is not coming back either " Olivia's eyes threatened to water.

"He tried to help us," Violet said.

"He was very brave," Klaus said sympathetically having gone through losing both his parents.

"The Quagmires are safe. We rescued them. " Violet added trying to reverse the tension.

"I am so glad to hear that," Olivia said with a smile. "You truly are remarkable children. But Olaf's is here now and we're all in danger. I have tried to stall him to the previous madam Lulu returns. She will know what to do. But he's getting suspicious. I don't know how long I can fool him." She said worriedly.

"You fooled us. It's a great disguise." Nadia reassured.

"So is yours. I almost didn't recognise you." Olivia said.

"How did you? Klaus asked curiously.

"A certain in the gleam in the eye indicating a short Acumen," Olivia said smiling. "All Volunteers have eyes like that."

"Madame Lulu-


"Olivia," Violet started a little uncomfortably. "We found a message saying one of our parents survived."

"You told Count Olaf was true," Klaus added a little hopefully.

"I am sorry children I only said that you keep him here," Olivia said. The Baudelaries made sad faces. "But if Jaques believed that there was a survivor then it must be true. His research is never wrong." Olivia added.'' I've been doing some reading.''

''The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations. You found it.'' Nadia said.

Olivia continued. ''VFD has a secret headquarters in the Mortmain Mountains. If one of your parents is alive, this is where they'd be.''

 ''We have to go there,'' Klaus said sharing a look with Violet.

"I'm going to take you," Olivia said with a smile.

"Thank you, Olivia," Nadia added.

"And of course, take Nadia back to her father," Olivia added and the children beamed. "Jacques told me the headquarters is on this map but it doesn't seem to be in the marks.''

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