A Wildcard Wedding

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When Nadia got home, she was bewildered watching people walk in and out of the house carrying boxes

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When Nadia got home, she was bewildered watching people walk in and out of the house carrying boxes. Her home was looking bright and beautiful and actually looked repainted. The bushes were kept were trimmed nicely and different colour flowers. Roses, sunflowers, lilies etc he likes were brightly contrasted with the deep green of the leaves. Different vehicles were also parked outside the gate. 

Nadia forgot all the gloominess she felt when the Baudelaires had left her to find answers. She had wanted to give them information but she couldn't risk them acting recklessly and there was only so much information she had. The goodbye had been bitter, to say the least. Nadia had her first fight with Klaus Baudelaire and it just left her a bitter feeling. All these thoughts were, however, momentarily forgotten when she was greeted with her house being decorated as if it was a special event. She noticed her father talking with someone who was holding a chart.

"And I need that over there and---Ohh Nadia you are back home!" Her father exclaimed as he hugged her.

"Yeah, I'm home but what is this about? Someone's wedding here or something?" Nadia teased her father but he let out a chuckle of amusement.

"About that---"

"Nadia!" Someone shouted and Nadia turned around it see Grace. She ran full force and Grace almost stumbled from the impact of the hug. The girls shared a moment as Nadia's father was looking at them lovingly.

"Grace Dellarosa, how dare you? leaving me, all alone and ditching me?" Nadia asked playfully. "Worst babysitter ever!"

Grace laughed loudly, "I'm sorry your highness. I owe you with my life!" She said just as playfully.

Nadia's eyes furrowed as she looked at the cut on Grace's lip, "How'd that happen?"

"Oh, just a small accident," Grace said nervously but before Nadia could question it she noticed a beautiful ring on her finger. It had a huge diamond surrounded by many small ones. She gently touched the ring. 

"Who is the lucky man, Grace?" Nadia questioned a bit sad. She had always wanted her father and Grace to date but her father had always thought that it would make Nadia angry or uncomfortable. They both were a little awkward with each other and it was so adorable to Nadia.

Her father walked over and placed a hand on Grace's shoulder, as they beamed and smiled at each other lovingly. It took a moment for Nadia to register and when she did her face beamed brighter than the sun.

"Wait! You and him? Him and you! Oh my god!" Nadia said jumping happily like a maniac. She was squealing loudly causing amused looks from the workers. She blushed a deep crimson of embarrassment as the couple chuckled.

"Wow, you look happy, your old man was worrying so much I thought he would have wrinkles!" Grace exclaimed as her father put on her faux offended look.

"I'm not an old man." Her father said, as Grace laughed and they shared a brief kiss as Nadia was squealing and fangirling. Her father blushed deeply before telling her the big news.

"Do you notice the maids here?" Nadia nodded.

"And the workers ?" Again Nadia nodded.

"And the---"

"Dad, spit it out, I noticed all the things you were going to list!" 

Her father nervously said, "We are having a wedding."

"Obviously you proposed to her," Nadia stated in a duh tone, as Grace made a noise of disagreement. 

"I did," Grace said proudly. "If I were waiting for your old man to propose to me, we would be waiting forever."

Nadia chuckled as her father grew even more nervous. "Well, we are having a wedding, tomorrow."


A wedding as we know is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage and are not something to be taken lightly. There are many types of marriages, love marriages,  a marriage of convenience and too many to list. So imagine Nadia's surprise at her father bring married so suddenly as it is a huge decision which people take years to even consider. However, she was overjoyed at the prospect of her father finally finding happiness. Even at the prospect of having a mother. Nadia knew no one could replace her loving and kind mother but there only so much her father can help her with.


Nadia was frantically moving in and out of the house as she helped the workers with the decorations.

"Okay, the balloons should be over on the right. No not on your right, my right." Nadia exclaimed as she held a chart with a pencil tucked behind her ear.

Grace and her father looked at Nadia amused to see her participation in helping with the decorations. 

"Okay, lights check, flowers check, music check, drinks check, what else?" Nadia pondered as she rechecked her checklist and walked around the house.

 The fireplace was adorned with vines and there were three white roses on the top. The stairs were decorated with flowers. The furniture and the floors were scrubbed clean again due to Nadia's stubbornness. The ceremony was to be outside in the garden and then they would eat in the mansion's ballroom.

In the backyard, the mermaid fountain was shining in its glory. It was pure white and the water was sparkling with rainbows as the sunlight hit. The backyard was very big with many trees and bushes. 

The rectangular wood table was covered with a white table cloth. There were rows and rows of tables and chairs and there were lights draped in an umbrella shape. There was off white carpet leading up to where there was a small platform slightly higher than the ground. Behind the platform, and there were vines making a heart shape with sunflowers. 

And the following evening Nadia had decorated a sign saying Grace weds Tom with flowers and heart decorating it. She had spent the whole evening cooped up in her room, designing the sign. As she finished,  Grace and her father walked in.

"What are you doing?" Grace asked curiously and she was really happy when she saw the sign. Tom was patting his daughter on the head telling her masterpiece was beautiful.

"Tom darling, let's put this in front of the door," Grace instructed as Nadia beamed happily.

"Now my soon-to-be-step daughter," Grace started. "We both are going to be staying the north wing of the house and your old man will be in the south."

"Are we having a sleepover?" Nadia asked and Grace nodded.

Both of the girls left Nadia's room and went to the north wing of the house. They passed the kitchen and the three guest room, and the second living room. They passed Nadia's old playroom, the third kitchen and finally made it to the room they would be staying in. They both changed into their pyjamas and nightdress.

"I was wondering if you would be my maid of honour?" Grace asked nervously smoothing her nightdress.

"I would love to." Nadia beamed and they both got into bed, very excited and nervous about the wedding. Nothing bad would happen, right?

If only she knew

If only she knew

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