The Marvellous Moments

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Nairobi laughed seeing Nadia chase Violet around a tree. Violet had grabbed the book, Nadia was reading and was refusing to give it back. Nadia chased Violet all around the garden's but still had not managed to take her book back.

"Give it back!" Nadia yelled chasing Violet.

"Not in this lifetime," Violet yelled back. 

"Oh god," Nadia said panting as Violet hid behind Klaus.  "Klaus save me!" She said dramatically as Klaus was violently shaken. He chuckled to himself.

"Klaus, you are my best friend! Remember that! Tell Violet to hand over the book!" Nadia demanded as she tried to catch Violet. Her attempts were futile.

"Klaus you were my brother first!" Violet said giggling. Klaus looked at both of them amused. "Alright," He said finally, taking the book. "It is my duty as your best friend..." He trailed, as Violet huffed. "To run away with your book! Catch me if you can!" He yelled as he ran with the book. Nadia stomped her foot and followed Klaus as he circled one of the many fountains of Jewel's home.

Tom chuckled to himself, looking at the children from the balcony. He could see Isadora laughing to herself, as the Quagmire brothers shook their heads and laughed with her. He could see Sunny, watching them while enthusiastically clapping her hands. 

"They are having a lot of fun," Grace mused.

"That they are," Tom agreed. "These poor children have gone through so much, they deserve to live happily ever after."

If only happily ever after did exist.

Anastasia cooed as Grace lovingly picked Anastasia from the bed. She cradled her in her arms, feeling motherly warmth wash over her.

"Come back!" Nadia yelled, as Klaus laughed and ran. Nadia glared at Klaus, wiping the sweat on her forehead. 

"Fine! Keep the book! I don't care!" Nadia yelled as she sat down with the Quagmire triplets. She fanned herself with her hands, feeling very hot. She could feel her hair, stick to her neck. Nairobi giggled and handed Nadia, her blue scrunchie. Nadia smiled as she tied her hair, up in a ponytail. The eldest Baudelaires had also settled down, under the shade of an enormous tree.

"Still didn't get your book back after that wild goose chase?" Isadora teased. She pushed her brown hair behind her ear. She certainly did look a lot better. After the helicopter landing, the Quagmires and Baudelaires had been given new clothes and had cleaned themselves up. Isadora's previous Prufrock Prep uniform had been replaced with a breezy white dress. 

"Don't even start," Nadia huffed. She smoothed her yellow dress. Duncan laughed seeing the expression on Nadia's face. He was wearing a white button-up with some black pants. This had previously belonged to Nadia's father when he was younger.

Nadia scowled at Duncan's laughing face.

"Here, take some water," Quigley offered a water bottle. Quigley had also cleaned up very nicely. His hair which had been previously untamed was now neatly brushed. He was wearing a blue button-up shirt, with some darker blue pants.

"I thought you would never ask," Nadia said dramatically as she took the water bottle. Isadora giggled. Nadia drank some water and the children turned silent.

"You know," Isadora started, turning the other children's attention towards her. "I never thought that we would have such a happy ending," She took Nadia's hand. "And I wholeheartedly thank you for saving me, my siblings and the Baudelaires."

Nadia smiled. "Of course, it's what friends are for," Nadia put her other hand on top of Isadora's. The children shared smiles.

"Saving you was an honour Mrs B-" Nadia started but Isadora widened her eyes frantically and shook her head. "I mean Miss Isadora," Nadia said hurriedly as the boys shared confused looks.

Duncan and Quigley had always been very protective of Isadora. Overprotective.  Isadora shuddered to think what they would do to Klaus if they found out she liked him.

Nadia coughed awkwardly and quickly walked away from them, as Isadora followed. An arm grabbed Nadia and she had been pulled aside, where the trees hid them from view.


"Shhh!" Duncan said. 

"Duncan?" Nadia asked. "What's up?"

"Look, I know," He said.

"Know what?" Duncan rolled his eyes.

"I know that someone has a crush on someone."

Nadia looked around nervously. The others were by the mermaid fountain and no one was near. "You mean you liking Violet?"

Duncan blushed and rolled his eyes. "Of course I know that. I am talking about something else."

"You mean you know that you like Violet?" Nadia asked, hoping that Duncan didn't know about Isadora.

"No," Duncan said frustrated. "I know that Isadora likes Klaus, and he does the same."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Nadia lied as she tried to walk away. Duncan stopped her, by holding her arm.

"I know that you know," Duncan said. Nadia sighed. "Okay, you caught me, I knew," After pausing for a moment, Nadia continued. "If you knew, why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I want her to tell me about this," Duncan said. "This is very personal and I don't want to confront her and act like a very overprotective brother,"

"Aw," Nadia smiled. "You are so sweet,"

"Doesn't mean I won't pester them though, she is my sister after all," Duncan grinned and before Nadia could say anything, he walked away.

"Duncan!" Nadia called as Duncan walked away even faster. "Duncan!" She called but a hand covered her mouth. She was pulled back, to where she previously stood. She turned around, slightly annoyed and Quigley stood there with a sheepish grin.

"What?" She asked, her tone laced with annoyance.

"Well, I know what Duncan and you know," Quigley said.

"Know what?" Nadia asked, trying to stop the panic that was rising in her chest.

"Know I know that you know about them,"


"Children!" A voice yelled. "It's time for lunch."

"Let's go shall we?" Nadia said hurriedly and almost ran away from Quigley.

As she entered the dining hall, she had to swallow the spit that formed looking at the food. There were all varieties, cakes,  brownies, ice creams etc. After all the deserts there was even roasted turkey, fruit salad, french fries etc.

"This looks delicious, mum!" Nadia said smiling. Grace looked at her with a soft expression as Nadia realized what she called Grace.

"I mean- if you-"

"I would love it." Grace smiled at her. Nadia could see tears forming in her eyes.

All of the others came and sat down. It was joyful lunch indeed. All of the children shared their experiences with the adults. From the hot air balloon to the carnival it was a lot to take in for the parents of Nadia and Nairobi. Nairobi filled her father in with what happened, and he had a sad expression on his face as he listened. All of the children shared their woes and felt considerably lighter than before.

It was a Marvellous moment indeed.

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