The End

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As this will be the last chapter I would like to warn the audience again. This will not have a happy ending. Only bittersweet.

Nadia twitched as she thought she had heard something fall. Nadia sleepily rubbed her eyes and glanced at her clock. It was 2 am. She groaned and put her blankets on top of her head. She heard what sounded like a glass shattering. Jumping out of bed and throwing on her slippers, she ran downstairs.

"What is that noise?" asked Isadora rubbing her eyes. She was wearing pink pineapple PJs.

"I don't know," said Nadia in a low voice. She grabbed a vase as both of them slowly moved. Both of them slowly climbed down the stairs. Both of them heard a creak of the stairs behind causing them to stiffen. They slowly turned around to find Quigley.

"What are you doing?" asked Quigley.

"Oh my god," snapped Isadora, placing a hand on her chest, trying to slow her heartbeat. "Idiot,"

"We heard a noise," said Nadia. She handed him the vase and grabbed another one. "Be careful. They started to move again. They heard another crash that sounded like a cupboard had been knocked over. The trio's ears perked up and they shared a horrified look.

Nadia's father and Grace raced down the stairs and quickly disappeared from view. The trio quickly followed them. Nadia saw the Baudelaires, all rubbing their eyes and with dishevelled appearances. But what really terrified Nadia was that she saw a man. Not just any man...

"Count Olaf," Nairobi breathed. Count Olaf had a very smug grin on his face.  Next to him, Esme was also there, with a very over the top, black spy outfit. Count Olaf's henchmen also appeared from behind Esme.

"Baudelaires, Quagmires, Jewels," Count Olaf eyed the children hungrily. "So many fortunes."

"So many fortunes you won't get," Grace retorted. Count Olaf sneered at her. 

"You will be captured and sent to jail," Tom said. "The police are already on the way."

"Police," Count Olaf scoffed. "Your faith in them is astonishing, Jewels. What makes you think they will be able to capture me?"

"Even if they won't be able to, we will," Larry the waiter as he burst through the door, Jacqueline by his side. His henchmen had a surprised look on their faces while Count Olaf simply rolled his eyes.

"Well...." Count Olaf smiled wickedly. "Let the fight begin!" He charged towards Tom. Grace ushered the children away. 

Nadia could see Esme charge at Jaqueline and the hook-handed man charged at Larry. Both the teams seemed to be struggling against the villains. Nadia couldn't see any more as Grace quickly took the children upstairs.

The children shared worried looks, as Grace ushered them in a room. The Baudelaires room to be specific.

"Childen," Grace said as she bent down. "I want you to stay calm and stay here." Nairobi opened her mouth to argue but Grace interrupted. "Under no circumstances you will leave, is that understood?"

The children hesitated but seeing the serious expression on Grace's face, they begrudgingly nodded.

Grace quickly got up and shut the door as she left.

There was a moment's pause after she left. The children shared anxious looks with each other not knowing what to do.

They could hear banging noise, and things falling and crashing. Nadia cringed.

"Are we really going to sit quietly here?" asked Isadora. She cringed as she heard another crashing noise.

"I don't know," admitted Nadia. There was a loud banging noise. The children grimaced. There was a loud yelling noise, that sounded horribly like Grace's.

★ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝖎𝖗𝖑 𝖂𝖍𝖔 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ★ (𝓐𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓮)Where stories live. Discover now