The Carnivorous Carnival 1

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Dear Reader,

The word "carnivorous" which appears in the title of this chapter, means "meat-eating," and once you have read such a bloodthirsty word, there is no reason to read any further. This carnivorous volume contains such a distressing story that consuming any of its contents would be far more stomach-turning than even the most imbalanced meal.

To avoid causing discomfort, it would be best if I didn't mention any of the unnerving ingredients of this story, particularly a confusing map, an ambidextrous person, an unruly crowd, a wooden plank, and Chabo the Wolf Baby.

Sadly for me, my time is filled with researching and recording the displeasing and disenchanting lives of the Baudelaire orphans. But your time might be better filled with something more palatable, such as eating your vegetables or feeding them to someone else.

With all due respect,

Lemony Snicket and Emily Alexander.

Sleeping. Drowning. That was what Nadia felt like. Like she could she was black and she felt like she was floating in and out of consciousness. Sometimes she could hear whispers or murmurs that she wasn't sure were in her dream or reality. However, the brunette felt at peace. Like she was a feather floating in a breeze. 

A cold cloth was placed on her forehead. Nadia twitched slightly. She could slowly feel herself gaining control over her senses. She was laying on something that surely was not meant for laying on. As she slowly opened her eyes, she came in face to face with a person with two heads. The brunette blinked in confusion. The two heads had a lot of dirt and grime on their faces.

"Wha-" She started before she was cut off.

"It's us," Violet said hurriedly. The brunette looks at both of the heads, questionably. What on mother earth was going on?

"K-Klaus? V-Violet?" Nadia asked her throat feeling scratchy. "Where are we?" She asked looking around the tiny space. The hut was very small so much so that Violet and Klaus had to kneel and still they were not fitting properly. As she looked around she noticed Sunny who was covered in fur.

"We are at a carnival. Caligari Carnival to be exact," Klaus said.

"But weren't we at Heimlich Hospital?" Nadia groaned as she suddenly felt the need to throw up.

"Well yes," Violet said quickly sharing an odd look with Klaus. "But listen Count Olaf is here and you need to be disguised. There is also a woman named Madame Lulu who is Count Olaf's accomplice."

Nadia feeling sick, nodded as Klaus handed her some clothes and an eye patch. The Baudelaires left the hut so she could change. She changed into a white shirt and some blank pants and put on the eyepatch. She stepped out and in her new clothes and coughed slightly. As she turned to look at the hut, she realised it wasn't one. Some metal chunks had been placed together to create the space, and it looked miserable. Like this story is. Nadia was led to a caravan while Violet gave her some insight into what was going on.

"In this carnival, there is something called Houseof Freaks," Violet said.

"But what exactly do freaks do?" Nadia asked. 

"I read a book once about a man named John Merrick," Klaus said. "He had horrible birthdefects that made him look terribly deformed. A carnival put him on display as part of aHouse of Freaks, and people paid money to go into a tent and look at him." 

"Why would people want to look at someone with birth defects?" Nadia asked in a slightly disgusted tone. "It soundscruel." 

"It was cruel," Klaus said. "The crowd often threw things at Mr Merrick and called himnames. I'm afraid the House of Freaks isn't a very pleasant form of entertainment."

 "You'd think someone would put a stop to it," Violet said, "but you'd think somebodywould put a stop to Count Olaf, too, and nobody does." 

When Sunny knocked on the door, Madame Lulu called out, "Who's there?" 

?In the next part of this story, I am afraid I need to dictate. Some of my enemies if you will, destroyed the next part of this sad chapter and I very much apologise. I was able to save the next part of the story fortunately but unfortunately, this part got destroyed by the fire. As you know me reporting this story is quite dangerous, I have to look over my shoulders in fear that my enemies have caught up with me. If this information goes into the wrong hands, we might be in very deep trouble," Emily said as she put ice on her arm where there was a huge burn mark. She was in a dark building with a huge window. The glass of the window was shattered to bits. Lemony was putting some ice on his burns as well. Emily's eyes flickered to Lemony and they shared a solemn expression. Emily picked up a piece of paper. That paper had been burnt in the middle.

"They are hired by Madame Lulu after Violet and Klaus clumsily try to eat an ear of corn and Sunny acts menacingly by showing off her sharp teeth and biting things. Nadia has to put on her best pirate impressions. Madame Lulu leads them to the caravan where the other freaks live. Hugo is a hunchback, Collete is a contortionist and Kevin is ambidextrous.

The next morning they discover that when Olaf asked Madame Lulu, "Is one Baudelaire parent still alive?" she consulted the crystal ball and answered, "Yes, one is up in the Mortmain Mountains." The children performed in a humiliating freak show. While looking at a poster, Olaf decides to go get it as a gift to Madame Lulu.

The children go back to Lulu's tent to search for clues. They learn all her magic is just technology and she has resources to find information. Madame Lulu enters, and after hollering at the children for trespassing, is shamed into revealing her true identity as Olivia. Olivia explains that she goes by the motto 'Give People What They Want', thus feeding Olaf information. She reveals to be part of V.F.D and admits to only be guessing one of their parents to be in Mortmain Mountains after the children reveal themselves to her. Madame Lulu reveals herself to be Olivia Caliban, the librarian from Prufrock Prep." Emily says as she puts down the paper.

Suddenly the pair hear a bunch of footsteps running towards them. They nod to each other and grasp each other's hands tightly and jump out of the window. Leaving as if they were ghosts.

 Leaving as if they were ghosts

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