Part: 50

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"Sidharth, I am getting bore. You're also at home and I'm also at home. Why don't we play something? Like hide & seek and aakh micholi. Please, my hubby bubby." She requested, pulling his cheeks when he was doing the work.

"Okay, we will play." He agreed and closed the laptop. She clapped her hands cheerfully. Sidharth was smirking because again something naughty was going in his mind.

"But the game will be of my choice." As he stated, she agreed immediately like always, she didn't understand his naughty intension.

"Hmm, so the game will be like hide and seek only, but there will be few changes in this." He stood up from bed, still having a smirk on his face.

"What changes, hubby?" She narrowed her brows bemusedly.

"In this, we won't hide, we both will hide each other clothes in this room which we are wearing. If we find it then we will get our cloth back, but if I can't find within three minutes, then we won't get our cloth back and we have to remove our another piece of cloth too and now we will hide that cloth." Sidharth explained to her and she was excitedly looking at him. Her expression was clearly showing that she was utterly ready to play this game.

"Hubby, first I will hide your shirt, it will be so much fun. I have never played this game in my life before." She said happily. He was opening his shirt buttons, smiling at her.

He pulled his shirt out of his arms. "Take this, I'm going out at the pool site. You have five minutes to hide my shirt, okay?" He gave his shirt and went from there after saying this. Sana was wondering where to hide it, putting finger on her chin.

After hiding it, she called him. As he stepped into the room, she looked at him excitedly. "Find, hubby, find." She said and sat on the couch comfortably, smiling and her eyes were shimmering.

Sidharth was finding under the couch, under the bed, in the cupboard and side by side he was noticing her face expression.

As he opened the drawer of her dressing table, he noticed that her facial expression changed instantly and she started biting her nails. He immediately understood that his shirt is there only.

"Sidharth, you won't get in this, I am telling you." She tried to act smart and he chuckled. He moved back to show her that he wouldn't find there and she became super happy and laugh on him, wondering she made him fool.

"No, I will check everywhere." He murmured and held the handle of the drawer to open it. Her all happiness flew away and started biting her nails worriedly.

"I found it, baby." He whooped and took out his shirt from her makeup kit. She was standing with a sad pout. He wore it and strode to her.

He clasped her face. "Oh baby, this is just a game, don't be sad." She slightly smiled at him and just nodded her head.

He smirked at her. "Now my turn, baby, give your top." he held his hand out in front of her.

"Hubby wait, let me remove it first." She said and pulled her top out of her head without shying as she was super excited to play the game. He was gazing down at her body, having love in his eyes.

"You are super beautiful, baby." He held her waist and yanked her to himself before kissing her forehead. She closed her eyes in response.

"Thank you so much, hubby." She beamed at him.

He left her waist and held her hands. He kissed her both knuckles together. "Now I am going out, hubby please hide it at some easy place." She said cutely and left from there.

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