Part: 24

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Sidharth pinned Sana against the car by grasping her both arms when she came back there. "Where were you? I asked you to be in the car, then why did you move out?" As he shouted, moving close to her face, she flinched and squeezed her eyes shut with fright.

He looked at her face keenly and realised that he was scaring her. He took a deep breath to calm down himself.

"I am sorry." As he apologised, she opened her eyes. "You know, when I didn't find you here, I became worried for you as like my heart stopped beating, " He was calm now and she smiled after listening to his words.

"It's okay, hubby." She placed her hand over his hand which was on her face. "You don't need to say sorry, I am sorry, I broke the promise but," she was about to say something, but stopped as a lady came there with a kid.

"Thank you so much for saving my child today, I am so thankful to you." The lady thanked Sana, she just smiled in response, moving her eyes from the kid to her.

Sidharth was looking at them bemusedly and trying to figure out what was happening.

"Sameer, say thank you to Didi." The lady asked her kid.

"Thank you, Didi." The kid cutely said, and Sana smiled and caressed his cheek.

"Aunty, be careful from next time and Sameer baby you too," Sana pulled the cheeks of Sameer and then they left.

Sidharth was standing there, smiling proudly at his wife because today she saved someone's life and this is great work.

"Sidharth, this was the only reason I stepped out of the car. I saw a kid playing in the middle of the road and as I saw a truck approaching him, I just rushed out of the car to save him. I am sorry, I broke your promise." She apologised innocently and he was just smiling at her proudly.

"Baby, you don't need to say sorry. You know I'm feeling proud of you because my wife saved someone's life. I love you so very much." He clasped her face and kissed her forehead, she closed her eyes in response.

Everybody was having dinner, Abhimanyu was also present there and Sana was staring at Abhi and Mukti with narrowed brows. They were confused with her looks.

"Sidharth." As she called her husband, he turned his face to look at her.

"Come here, I want to ask something." She adorably gestured him to come close to her through her hands.

"Sana, ask from us? We will also answer." Cabir asked he had no idea what was going in her mind.

"Bhai, it's husband and wife secret talks, you all stay away." She warned them cutely and Sidharth moved close to her face.

"Sidharth, do you remember, you have to tell me what happens after removing upper clothes while kissing?" She asked in a low voice in his ear. Sidharth started coughing. Everybody became suspicious and confused after seeing Sidharth's reaction.

"Bhai, have water." Mukti gave water to him.

"Sana, what did you ask from him?" Abhi asked and Sana was just smiling, looking down sheepishly.

"Jiju, I told you that it is very personal."

As Abhi looked at Sidharth for the answer, Sidharth nodded his head, agreeing to her words. "She's saying right."

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