Part: 5

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He yanked her to himself by grasping her arms and uttered, glaring at her. "I haven't kidnapped your parents, do u get that?" Sana widened her eyes in shock after knowing this. If he hadn't kidnapped her parents, then how did he get that video? She was utterly baffled.

"Then what was that video? "She asked instantly.

"It was an edited video so that I could blackmail you, to marry me," Sidharth told her, pulling her more closer to himself, there was anger in his dark black eyes and she was looking at him incredulously.

"You're a monster, I'll never accept you as my husband," Sana stormed at him and struggled to come out of his tight grip. She was trying to be strong.

Sidharth chuckled devilishly. "Yes, I am a monster, if you don't accept me as your husband, then you know that I have my own ways." He trailed down the tip of his index finger from her shoulder to her hand and she looked at him, having fear in her eyes.

"Please, let me go, why are you doing this with me?" She pleaded, trying to push him away with her tiny hands.

"Baby, how many time you will ask the same question, you are mine and therefore you are here with me and no one in this world can separate you from me." He clasped her face and stated, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs and gazing in her eyes intensely. Now his eyes were filled with love only.

Sana was bewildered with his bipolar behaviour, sometimes he shouted and sometimes he behaved like he is the sweetest person. One question always came in her mind, "who is he?"

"Now, let me get fresh and then we will take dinner," he said sweetly and went to the bathroom after placing a soft kiss on her chubby Cheek. Sana was utterly confused with his behaviour.

Mukti stepped into the room and saw Sana sitting on the sofa, talking to herself. A bright smile touched her lips because Sana's expression was too cute.

"Hey, sweeties, what's up?" Mukti sat beside her. Sana's eyes glinted with excitement as she saw her.

"Didu, I am so happy," she squealed with joy and hugging Mukti tightly. Mukti smiled cheerfully and hugged her back. She was also happy to see her happy but confused too with her sudden happiness.

"Didu, Sidharth hasn't kidnapped my parents, they are fine. I was so worried about them." She merrily told everything. Mukti sighed with relief after knowing that his brother hadn't kidnapped anyone.

Sana glanced at the bathroom to check Sidharth and then she moved close to Mukti's ear. She whispered, "now I will run from here and didu, it's a secret, don't tell this to the monster."

Mukti smiled on her cuteness and also felt bad for her because Sana was thinking that it was very easy for her to run away from here, but the reality was that it was impossible because she knew her brother, he would never let this happen.

"Didu, would you help me?" She asked cutely, having hope in her bewitching eyes, Mukti became speechless as she didn't want to break her heart by telling her that what she wanted, it was impossible.

Before mukti could speak something, they saw Sidharth coming out of the bathroom. He was in grey lower with a casual t-shirt. He glanced at them sternly and marched out of the room without saying anything.

"Didu, why he is like this, sometimes so sweet and sometimes an angry monster." As Sana shout the last line making an angry face, Mukti laughed loudly seeing her adorable expression.

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