Part: 75

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Sana was crying, sitting on the bed. As she heard the sound of the opening of the door, she instantly raised her head and looked at the door. It opened and a girl, age of twenty-two stepped inside. She climbed down the bed and looked at her in confusion like a baby.

"Who are you and where is my hubby?" she immediately asked.

"Sidharth sir has sent me. He is waiting for you outside, come with me." As she told her, she sighed with relief and wiped her tears.

"Let's go." She squealed cheerfully and went out with her.

As stepped out of the room, she raised her eyebrows in amazement to find herself on a beautiful yacht. She palmed her mouth in surprise and her eyes popped out. She felt like she is dreaming because it was one of her dreams to be on a yacht. On her birthday, Sidharth fulfilled her this dream.

As she moved her eyes up at the sky, she found Sidharth on the chopper, smiling at her. "Oh my God." She murmured in astonishment.

He started showering the rose petals on her. She opened her arms and twirled gleefully. He admired his baby, smiling broadly.

"Happy birthday, my baby doll." He wished her in loud voice.

"Wow, so beautiful, hubby." She whooped with joy, looking up at him. She started jumping and clapping her hands. She made the beautiful moment cute.

The chopper was coming down. He is climbing down the rope ladder. Sana was looking at him excitedly but also having fear in her eyes "what if he falls?" She was thinking.

He jumped directly on the yacht, looking hot in his black jacket with a white shirt and blue denim jeans. He smiled at her and directly knelt in front of her like a true gentleman. Sana was smiling like a cute baby at him. She was extremely happy because her hubby made his entry like a Hero.

"Will you marry me, my tiny cute baby?" He proposed to her after holding her hand.

She looked at him confusingly. "But you're my hubby already, then why you are proposing to me, hubby?  have you lost your memory like Aamir Khan had lost his memory in Ghajini Movie?" She asked and laughed loudly. He just gazed at her fondly. He found her so cute when she laughed like this.

"Cute." Only this word came out of his mouth after seeing her and she looked at him, having a big smile on her face.

"Cute." She chuckled. "I was born cute, Mr hubby, tell me something new." She said in attitude.

"And that new thing is that you are becoming bolder day by day." She smiled broadly.

"It is the effect of your classes, my romance teacher, you have made me bold."

"Okay, put this bold talks on the side for a minute, I have to tell you an important thing." He said, again holding her hand, still, he was sitting on his knees in front of her.

"What?" She raised her brows.

"Sana, you know that first time, I had forcefully married with you, now again I want to marry you but this time, it will be like a dreamful marriage, everything will be beautiful," Sidharth said, rubbing her hand with his thumb and she was just smiling.

"Wow, dreamful marriage. Hubby, it is an amazing idea, but we will marry again on our anniversary. I will wear the most beautiful bridal lehenga, I'm so excited." She clapped her hands.

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