Part: 98 The Hot Game

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Sana was sitting on Sidharth's lap and He was kissing her face lovingly.

"Hubby, please continue the game, I want to play." She asked him to continue the game but he nodded his head negatively.

"No, we won't play that game because that game brought tears in your eyes." He denied because tears in her eyes broke his heart into millions of pieces.

She pouted sadly at him. "Game will make me smile also. Please, my hubby bubby." She implored and pulled his cheeks.

How could Sidharth deny her request, he agreed by nodding his head. She smiled gleefully and her eyes shimmered with happiness.

"What the thing, I hate the most ?" He suddenly asked continuing the game.

Sana thought for a moment by putting her finger on her chin. "Momos," she said after a few seconds. "I know you hate it, that's why you never let me eat." She said sadly looking at him and made a sad pout. Sidharth chuckled seeing her cuteness.

"Wrong Answer." He grinned and she looked at him in shock. " I hate Momos, but more than Momos I hate many things, I hate tears in your eyes, I hate sadness on your face, the thing which I hate the most is living without you. I hate to spend even a second without you baby." He said after clasping her face, having so much love in his eyes for her. His made Sana speechless, she was gazing at him unbelievably.

"So, you answered wrong, now I will bite you." He smirked and Sana blushed, moving her eyes down.

"Where should I bite you?" He was trailing the tip of his finger down her neck to her cleavage, down her belly button and again trailed up to her neck and stopped there only. He looked at her smiling baby. He moved close to her neck and she closed her eyes wrapping her hands around his neck. As he clenched her skin between his teeth and slightly bit her neck, she moaned, clutching the back of his shirt. Then to soothe the pain of his bite, he sucked that area and placed soft kisses there. He didn't give her a mark because he never wanted to hurt her in any manner, therefore he just bit and like always he avoided to give her a love bite.

"So your turn again," he said and she thought for a minute.

"What is the thing which I hate about you the most?" She asked and waited for his answer in anticipation. He was looking at her and thinking. He was confused between two things, the first thing was his anger and second, he didn't let her eat momos.

"My anger." He said after thinking for one minute and she smiled broadly because he gave the correct answer.

"Wow, you know everything about me hubby." She squealed merrily and hugged him. He smiled while hugging her back.

"You know, when you get angry with me and shout at me in anger, I feel so bad, I feel like crying, I hate your anger." She told him sadly after breaking the hug. Sidharth was just beaming at her because he was finding her damn cute.

"So now I will kiss you because I answered right." He said, smirking and she nodded meekly.

"Wait, first let me close the door because anybody can enter my cabin in an emergency without knocking on the door." He said after making her get up from his lap and wandered toward the door. After locking the door he came to her. Something wild was going in his mind and Sana was as always looking at him like an excited baby.

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