Part: 54

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"Sidharth..." she screamed loudly when she looked up and found that the whole room was burning. She got hell scared and started screaming again and again.

As soon as Sidharth listened to her screams downstairs, he just rushed to her room which was upstairs. Her screams were making him hell worried for her and his heart beat was accelerating. His breath got stuck in his throat as he saw her from window, standing helpless in the burning room.

"Hubby, I don't want to die, I want to live with you more," she cried badly as she looked at Sidharth, having hope in her eyes. Tears fell down his eyes too.

"Baby, nothing will happen to you, I am here, I will save you." He assured her and kicked the burning door. Other people were throwing the water too. Abhi, Arnav and Cabir started helping Sidharth in breaking the door. Sana was continuously crying and screaming and her screams for him were like someone was stabbing the knife in his heart.

"You'll be fine, sweetie." Girls were trying to assure Sana from outside. Sana felt dizziness because of smoke, and from up the piece of wood was about to fall over her. All girls became worried and asked her to get a side, but Sana was not in a condition to move and she fainted down there only with thud. At that moment only he hurriedly broke the door.

"Sana..." he shouted loudly as he saw his baby's life in danger. Within no time, he reached to her and covered her and the burning wood fell on Sidharth's back. Everybody who were presented there witnessed the true love of Sidharth.

"Bhai..." as Mukti screamed loudly, all widened their eyes in shock. Fire brigade and ambulance reached there, they laid down Sidharth and Sana on the stretcher. Sidharth was still conscious, and he was in extreme pain, but he was still worried about Sana. Mukti was crying badly.


At the hospital, doctors were operating Sidharth and checking that how much Sidharth back had been burned. Outside, Mukti was still crying, placing her head on Abhi's shoulder and Cabir was roaming anxiously outside of his room. Arnav and Khushi were also looking very tensed.

"Doctor, how is he?" As doctor came outside, Cabir asked immediately and all of them looked at him worriedly.

"There is nothing serious, there is no internal burn, he will be perfectly fine within a month, just he needs to take bed rest for a month." They all sighed with relief after listening to Doctor's words. Mukti happily hugged Abhi.

"Could we meet him doctor?" As Cabir asked, doctor permitted them to meet him and also told them that he was unconscious.

"Doctor, how is Sana?" Mukti asked about Sana.

"She is perfectly fine, just fainted due to smoke." Doctor told them. Then only a nurse came and told them Sana got her conscious back.


Everybody met Sana and now Mukti was sitting beside Sana.

"Didu, I got so much scared, I thought I would die," she said anxiously.

"but as you told my hubby saved me, I am so happy, he always saves me like a hero." She said cheerfully.

"But where he is now? I want to meet him, Didu." She asked about Sidharth.

"Sweetie, he is planning a surprise for you, he will be soon here." Mukti lied because she was afraid to tell Sana about Sidharth.

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