Part: 6

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Next morning

She woke up, rubbing her eyes and her eyes fell over Sidharth and she thought, "Haye while sleeping, he looks so sweet and cute."

She murmured, "and as he wakes up, he will start shouting on everyone, first on me, poor me I have to bear all this," she made a cute sad pout and rubbed her fake tears.

"But don't worry, Sana, be strong and think something to get rid of this monster." She wondered how to get rid of this Monster.

"Perfect idea," she shrieked joyfully after jumping out of her bed. "Ab dekho monster, tum mujhe apne aap iss ghar se out kar doge. (Now you will see, Monster, you will yourself push me out of your house.)" She placed her hands on her waist and murmured, staring down at him in attitude.

Sidharth's P.O.V.

I aroused from slumber, hearing some sound and what I saw, it was enough to make me angry. The whole room was messed up and nothing was on its place, everything was on the floor. As I saw her, I widened my eyes in shock and rushed to her because she was about to break the mirror after picking up the vase from the table. I stopped her by holding her from behind.

"What the hell?" I shouted in fury and she struggled in my arms. I was glaring at her angrily through the mirror. Seriously this girl is testing my patience. I love her and it doesn't mean she has the right to do anything.

"I will break this whole house if you don't let me go." She shouted louder and tried to come out of my arms, but I gripped her tighter.

I was about to shout on her again after turning her toward myself by holding her arms but stopped as I recalled Mukti's words. Damn, now I can't even shout on her because she said right, Sana is like a kid and she is innocent, therefore I love her. I should handle like parents handle their kids.

Sana's P.O.V.

As he turned me, I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my fist in fear. I was damn sure that now he was going to shout over me like an animal. I was waiting for him to shout on me, but what he said, I was stunned.

"Baby, break this room properly because I was thinking to change the interior of the room yesterday only, as you know, you're my wife and this room should be according to you." I opened my eyes instantly in shock and stared at him incredulously. He was smirking at me devilishly.

Is he suffering from bipolar disorder? I wondered.

I couldn't let him win.

"I will break this mirror and I will break everything." As I shouted, he left my arms and stood in front of me casually, sliding fingers of his hands into his jeans pockets and his thumbs were hooked out. I stared at him in utter disbelief.

Why he is not reacting? Why he is not shouting on me? I want to irritate him because I want him to throw me out of his house, but my words and my acts are not affecting him. I want Mumma papa, what I should do? I want to cry.

"Go ahead, I am not stopping you." He comfortably sat down on the couch. I stamped my foot on the floor, fuming in anger. I will also not stop, I will force him to throw me out of this house as like he had forced me to marry him.

As I threw the vase over the mirror, I immediately covered my ears and shut my eyes as it made a loud sound when it broke down. As I heard his laugh, I narrowed my brows and opened my eyes. I turned and saw him laughing crazily. He is laughing on me, Monster. I averted my eyes in anger.

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