at hospital // part 2 // arranged marriage // k. T. H

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Taehyung's pov:~

I called many good doctors whom I know. All of them knows our father's so it's better to inform them. What if they find it from others? They will get hurt so I'll call them after we reach hospital. Oh we are already here. I took y/n out of car and kept her on the stretcher while other doctors were already ready in the operation theater. They took her inside O.T. and I immediately called her father.

End of taehyung's pov:~

*on call with y/n's father*

Taehyung:~ Annyeonghaseo mr. Winslow

Y/f/n:~ Annyeonghaseo taehyung, what happened you called me at this time is there anything important? And why aren't you at school this time? Is y/n fine?

Taehyung :~ yes Mr. Winslow , I'm not at school because I took y/n to hospital. Don't take any tensions uncle I'm here with her but I guess when she will wake up she'll want to see you first, so can you come here ?

Y/f/n :~ oh yes I'm coming there what is the name of the hospital?

Taehyung :~ it's xxxxx hospital

Y/f/n :~ OK son I'll be there in 20 minutes.

*ended the call *
*taehyung sighs *
Taehyung :~ OK so now I'll call my father

*on the call  *
T/f/n :~ ah taehyung what happened, you never called me before? Is it important otherwise I'll hung up the call I don't have free time for your trashy things.

Taehyung :~ I also don't have any free time Mr. Kim but your best friend's daughter is admitted at xxxx hospital what to do? Huh? So are you gonna come or not? Your best friend is also coming, anyways I'm hunging up.

*call ended *

Taehyung's pov:~

Y/n/f's father is here with her stepmother. Her stepmother was smirking at herself, but when she noticed that I saw her smirking she continues her acting. But she doesn't know that I know that she don't like
y/n, sometimes she even don't give her anything to eat. Her dad was a little bit worry but he also didn't cried. I feel like she gets bullied everywhere and she was depressed and was not able to take any other shits.

End of taehyung's pov:~

*1 hour later *

Taehyung's pov:~

Her parents went because they were tired, Mr.  Kim came but he got some meeting so he also went back. Yes I call my father Mr. Kim and I won't ever call him dad again, after my Lil brother came he and my mom always love him and they say that I am only a trouble maker, but it's OK if they think so. I also thinks sometime that I'm a trouble maker. But y/n is the only one who don't tell anyone anything even if she gets hurt she always stays silent and smile. God this is first time I'm believing in you please save y/n, don't let her get hurt please.

End of Taehyung's pov:~

*the doctors came out of the O.T.*

Taehyung:~ what happened doctor is she OK? *the worry was eating out 
                   him alive *

Dr. :~ yes Mr. Kim she is out of danger now, you took her on the right time otherwise it would be difficult for us to save her.

Taehyung:~ thank you very much doctor, uh doctor can I meet her?

Dr. :~ you can meet her after nurse call you, OK?

Taehyung :~ OK, thank you Dr.

*after 30 minutes nurse calls taehyung *

Nurse :~ Mr. Kim

Taehyung :~ yes

Nurse:~ you can go inside

Taehyung :~ thank you nurse

Nurse :~ ah no problem, just don't give her too stress and we will supply some food after 1 or maybe 2 hours because of anesthesia. Don't give her anything to eat ,even if she cries OK? Because if she will eat she will have a side reaction of anesthesia. Take care of her now I'll take leave.

Taehyung :~ OK doctor

Taehyung's pov:~ 

When I entered her room she was awake but looking at ceiling ,I guess she knows who entered. Wait is she ignoring me? Ugh this girl is just too much!

End of Taehyung's pov:~

Y/n's pov:~

When I just woke up I saw nurse beside me. Wait am I in hospital? 😱 I just hate hospitals. I got snapped out of my thoughts by nurse.

End of y/n's pov:~

Nurse:~ oh you're awake

Y/n:~ yeah, I just woke up now. Ugh can you tell me how I ended up here?

Nurse:~ your head got in contact with some sharp object and you were almost died if your boyfriend wouldn't have took you here at right time.

Y/n :~ oh * I don't have any boyfriends, who is it? *

Nurse :~ I'll take a leave now he was waiting for you to awake from last 2 hours. If you need anything than just call me ,I'm here Incharge to take care of you.

Y/n:~ OK, thank you *with that nurse went outside *

Y/n's pov:~

I heard a knock on the door so I just stared at ceiling. Who is it? 👀 I guess its my step-mom. Yeah it would be her let's not look at that person.

End of y/n's pov:~

???:~ hey y/n....

Y/n :~ ........ *oh shit it's him, I'm so dead 😭*

Taehyung :~ y/n .... *she didn't responded so I kept my hand on her hand so that she will at least look at me *

Y/n:~ hmm say

Taehyung :~ I'm... S-sorry.

Y/n :~ woah look at you, how come you said that? Aren't you happy to see me like this? Anyways you even shouldn't be here go to your Ierin and confess already. *he got shocked *

Taehyung :~ how do you-

Y/n:~ don't think I'm dumb because I don't fight back. I also know how much you hate. Me.

Taehyung :~ y/n don't take too much stress.

Y/n:~ why do you even care! Let me die here so I won't have to take anyone's shit anymore.

Taehyung :~ shut up y/n ,will you?

Y/n:~ no I won't.

Taehyung :~ OK fine I'm sitting there on the sofa ask me if you need anything. *with that he went to sofa *

Y/n :~ what a jerk when did I even started listening to jerks? *she mumbled but enough loud for taehyung to hear *

A/nim's pov:~
what will happen further? 👀  thank you very much for reading. Please vote, comment, and share this story 🤗  I'll try to reply every single comment . Now it's time for me to take leave. Bye bye ~ love y'all. ☺

End of A/nim's pov:~

arranged marriage // Kim taehyung Where stories live. Discover now