head ache

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Taehyung's pov :~

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head. I saw around the room y/n is already gone..... There is a soup 🍲 on my night stand with a paper, seems y/n had kept it. I opened it and it was written......

From, Y/n
Good morning taehyung. You might wonder what is this medicine for, it's for your head ache. Oh and yeah I got to know many things yesterday thanks for all of it.🙂 soon you'll get free from me, anyways I'm down. Better eat the medicine and soup than come down. 🙂 bbye.

To, irien's so called 'love.'

what did I do? Why is she acting like this? Mybe I should just ask her.... Yeah or no? 👀 umm maybe yeah. Ok let's just complete with morning routine and go down.

End of taehyung's pov:~

Little did Taehyung know he was too into thoughts that he forgot medicine and soup.

Y/n 's pov :~

I just got maids in our home because I won't be able to work anymore. I saw Taehyung came down stairs and came to me. I just ignored him because I don't wanna get used to his presence. He asked me....

End of y/n 's pov :~

Taehyung :~ gm, y/n....

Y/n :~ .....

Taehyung :~ I' m getting late bbye will come late today I have a meeting.

Y/n mummbles :~ how much lie can a person speak and that to without stuttering.

Y/n went to there room and saw medicine and soup there on the table she decided to go to his office to give him the medicine and soup. But when she went there she got shocked by a thing she heard there from receptionist's mouth.


Hi, swuggies? How are you all? I'm fine yet not fine because you all are being silent reader. Do you know you all are my only source of happiness other than bts? Thank you for almost reaching 700 reads but I don't only want reads I want to know your opinions and my mistakes. Please vote, comment and most important thing follow me. Bbye swuggies.


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