y/n's nightmare //part 3

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Y/n :~ when did is even started to listen jerks *she mumbled loud enough for taehyung to hear *

Taehyung :~ oh so that means I am a jerk?

Y/n :~ look you are telling yourself, no one ever mentioned your fuc**ng name!

Taehyung :~ woah look who is talking.

Y/n :~ beautifulest girl in the world is talking to the biggest jerk of the world.
*rolled her eyes *

Taehyung :~ whatever, I can at least fight for myself unlike some people who gets only fail in everything.

Y/n's pov:~

I didn't wanted to fight with this jerk because my head is hurting. So I just turned myself and slept. My back was facing that jerk. But am I really a looser? I guess no one will like the looser like me. Aish my head is killing me. Let's just sleep now.

End of y/n's pov:~

Taehyung's pov:~

I looked at y/n who was now maybe sleeping. I guess I went too far, it hurts me somewhere deep down inside my heart. Should I go and check if she is OK or not? Nurse said me not to give her stress otherwise it will hurt her head injury but I didn't just avoided that fact and here I'm being a burden on everyone. For now let her just sleep. *snif snif* wait what was that sound!!¡¿? Is she crying in her sleep? Fuck I really messed up.

End of Taehyung's pov:~

Taehyung went to you if you were crying in sleep or not. When he saw you mumbling in your sleep he came near you to hear clearly. You mumbled "please don't leave me alone, eomma I don't want to live with another woman especially when she can't take your place only you are my eomma and no one will ever take your position eomma. Why did you agreed with dad's decision. What about your feelings I know you are hurt Eomma. I also know dad didn't even loved you not even for a second nor he loved me. Emma don't leave me please Eomma ,eommaaaa "  you started shivering.

Taehyung's pov:~ it looks as if she is still in her nightmare what should I do yes let's wake her up. I shaked her shoulder a little bit, but she didn't woke up. I went near her and spoke.

End of Taehyung's pov :~

Taehyung :~ y/n wake up.

Y/n got up with still her eyes closed, she just hugged him as she didn't realized who was the person. Her tears streamed down from her cheeks.  At that time taehyung also remained silent.

Taehyung's pov :~

It felt like she really need a shoulder to cry, she really needs a hug, she really needs a love even if it's just for a second, she really needs her real mom who used to love her, I still remember when we used to play together and her mother use to make us choco lava cake. I do miss Mrs. Winslow but y/n she was really mad when her mom leaved there home and went to her grandmas house. Y/n and I used to best friends but after her mom went she changed into a girl who doesn't even exist anymore. She used to cry whole day in her room. But when my friend came and said me that she is the reason behind what happened with my another best friend I stopped talking to her I started bullying her.

End of Taehyung's pov :~

Y/n came to her senses and when they were about to get apart some people came inside the room.

??? :~ oh, I'm sorry to come here but I have something to tell you both.

Y/n :~ oh seongul it's not what you thought, anyways what is it?

Seongul:~ it's that, umm that you both are marrying each other after 1 week.

Y/n and taehyung :~ WHAT, not at all I'm not marrying.

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