wedding day!

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~ Time skip to next morning ~

Last night y/n ended up feeding taehyung.

Y/n 's pov :~
today is our wedding, the day when I'm going to get locked up in the hell forever. I want to tell dad, UT I don't want him to get hurt because of me. I'm going to get out of that hell anyway.

I heard a slight knock on the door.

End of y/n 's pov :~

Y/n :~ come in!

Y/f/n :~ oh, my princess is looking gorgeous.

Y/n :~ thank you appa.

*she went to her dad and hugged him.*

Y/f/n :~ what happened to my princess hmm?

Y/n :~ appa, you remember when I said I won't leave you alone and I want to change the story that prince will come to princess's house?

Y/f/n :~ and I said that, every girl say that but at the end she have to go to her prince.

Y/n :~ appa, I don't want to leave you alone, can you come with me.

Y/f/n :~ Pabo! How can I? You are ready to be a queen now so why to be princess and stay with your appa hmm?

Y/n :~ because I'll miss you.

Y/f/n :~ alright, I'll call you now let's go hmm?

Y/n :~ hmm

You're wedding dress
( in case if you forgot it) 👇🏻

You're wedding dress( in case if you forgot it) 👇🏻

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Your heels 👇🏻

You're hair 👇🏻

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You're hair 👇🏻

Your make up 👇🏻

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Your make up 👇🏻

Taehyung 's pov :~

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Taehyung 's pov :~

I'm standing on the stage with bts beside me and priest. Everyone 's eyes were on me until the big door of church opened with y/n 's father in black suit and y/n in white gown there hands were interlocked with each other. Y/n is looking beautiful, breath taking, cute, hot, sexy, innocent and lovely.

End of Taehyung 's pov :~

Y/n and her dad were walking towards the stage were taehyung was staring at her constantly, not even blinking.

Y/n 's pov :~

As soon as door opened everyone's eyes were on me. I still can't believe it's really happening or it's just a night mare? As soon as I went towards the stage I looked at taehyung he was in black suit with a tie. I didn't really saw taehyung this much handsome before..... But deep inside I know that I'm not his choice. Soon, I reached the stage and my dad went beside my step mother. I faced taehyung and saw him staring at me. His jaw was dropped as soon as I started walking and till now his jaw is dropped. Tsk... I went near taehyung and whispered....

End of y/n 's pov :~

Y/n :~ close your mouth before a lady bird gets inside your mouth.

Taehyung :~ correction, not lady bird but my lady.

Y/n :~ aish, shut up.

Priest :~ Kim taehyung, do you acknowledge, Choi y/n as your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until the death apart's you?

Taehyung :~ I, Kim Taehyung , take you, Choi y/n , to be my lawfully wedded wife , to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us apart.

Priest :~ You have declared your consent before the Church. Choi y/n do you acknowledge Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until the death apart's you?

Y/n :~ I, Choi y/n , take you, Kim Taehyung , to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us apart.

Priest :~ You have declared your consent before the Church.

Priest :~ you may kiss the bride.

Y/n 's pov :~

As soon as priest spoke that sentence my heart started pounding, I feel like it will explode anytime. Taehyung started coming closer to me but he didn't kissed he spoke. Which was completely unexpected from him.

Taehyung :~ don't worry baby girl I won't kiss you, I'll make sure to make you mine tonight. 😏

As soon as I heard that there was a current passing from my head to toe. He spoke in husky voice. After finishing that he pecked on my cheek and pulled back.

End of y/n 's pov :~

Taehyung 's pov :~

I really can't wait to see y/n with this dress on the floor of our bedroom. 😏
The dress is hugging her body perfectly but my hand would look just extra perfect around her bare waist. Her body will look perfect under me. 😏

End of Taehyung 's pov :~

A/n 's pov :~

Ayo swugie babies what's up? Guess we are gonna reach 200 soon.
Take care of yourself, wear mask whenever you go outside, sanitize or wash your hands properly before you eating anything. Bath after coming from outside, don't wear same clothes after bathing, keep that clothes in laundry basket because it has germs in it. Thank you very much for reading this fan fiction and love you bye bye!

End of A/n 's pov :~

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