stop it!

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~ flashback to 17th chapter ~

Y/n :~ I'm serious too. Though your mind isn't in sense right now, so I can bring your memory.

Taehyung :~ y/n stop it, I really wanna fuck you right now.

~ present chapter ~


                     ⚠️warming ⚠️
I don't own any characters or any pictures which are in the story, this is just an imaginary world made of authors imagination. Don't rewrite, repost, report or copy. Thank you for investing your precious time in this story. Thank you for choosing this fan fiction and love you bye.

             ⚠️end of warning⚠️


Y/n :~ taehyung, you aren't in right state of mind right now, let's go to eat I'm hungry and I'm sure you're hungry too.

Taehyung :~ I'm hungry too but only for you.

Taehyung speaks in his husky deep voice. 

Y/n :~ taehyung can we just stop this stupid things? It's ridiculous. You don't know but I already know that you drank, while I was sleeping  in plane. I don't want this right now just get off me.

Y/n pushed taehyung a little but he didn't stop. He went near her neck and started placing hickeys.

Y/n :~ taehyung, please stop it.

Taehyung :~ y/n ,I know I drank a bit but trust me I love you y/n. I won't regret this later what I'm doing now, instead I'll regret if I don't do it now.

Y/n :~ taehyung, let's go to eat something first when we will come back we can continue it. I'm really tired today please.

Taehyung :~ alright, baby girl but can we really continue this later?

Y/n :~ yeah, maybe.... We  can.

Y/n 's pov :~

When I said that I really meant that. But, I don't know how we will continue it because I'm really scared as its my first time, I don't even know what to do. Everything I said was because I saw confident and love in his eyes. I don't know my answer was unexpected by me as well.

End of y/n 's pov :~

~ at dinner hall ~

Waiter :~ ma'am what would you like to have?

Y/n :~ can I have kimchi fried rice, gimbap, jjap and smoked chicken leg piece please. Beside that we will have 2 Coca Colas.

Waiter :~ anything else ma'am?

Y/n :~ no, be really quick because I and my husband are really hungry.

Waiter :~ sure thing ma'am.

Waiter winks at y/n and turned to taehyung just to glare at him and went to kitchen area.

Taehyung :~ what was that?

Y/n :~ what?

Taehyung :~  didn't you saw how he was staring at you a bit open chest? And how he was looking at you like he was fucking you with his eyes. I can't bare this now how can he see you like that? I'm going to talk to the manager over here.

Y/n :~ Mr. Kim , you're not doing that.

Taehyung :~ why do you care Mrs.Kim?

Y/n :~ because I know that he isn't rich enough to get another job nor he will be able to eat his meals if you kick him out just because of your jealousy and I did mentioned that a.k.a baby is my hubby.

As soon as y/n spoke taehyung 's cheeks got red.

Y/n :~ are you perhaps blushing?

Taehyung :~ no, wifey.

Pecks y/n 's lips. Y/n blushes while saying......

Y/n :~ what did you do? 😳

Taehyung :~ I just kissed my wifey.

Y/n :~ it's pub-

~Another kiss~

Y/n :~ yaaaah! Sto-

~Another kiss~

Y/n :~ taehyung don't do that now.

Taehyung came closer to y/n to give another kiss but y/n kept her hand in between and said...

Y/n :~ taehyung, there are small babies here don't do that, they will learn something bad from us. Also there are some people staring at us.

Taehyung :~ so what? I'm kissing my own property no one can tell me anything and about small babies than they will also get to know how to flutter there wives and husbands and also we 're gonna have one soon, so be prepared for it because I'll also kiss you in front of them. 😏

Y/n :~ what do you mean by them? How many are we going to have?😲😳

Taehyung :~ don't worry we will just have 5.

Y/n :~ what do you mean by just and am I looking like a baby factory?

Taehyung :~ uwu OK how many babies do my cupcake want?

Y/n :~ CUPCAKE? You're having something in your mind for sure.

Taehyung :~ why?  Can't I call my wife from nicknames?

Y/n :~ you can but, it's so suddenly.

Taehyung :~ alright baby bear how many babies do you want?

Y/n :~ 1 is OK.

Taehyung :~ no ☹️ , can we have at least 2 babies?

Y/n :~ OK but not more than 2 OK, I don't wanna die from the pain.

Taehyung :~ uwu, OKie baby. Now let's eat and go to have some babies. 😏


A /n :~ as I said to you all that I'm going to show my nails here is the pic of my nail.

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