promise me that you won't tell him.

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🔞 This chapter contains a little bit of smut so if you're uncomfortable with it. Kindly don't read it.🔞

Please don't repost, rewrite and report. It's my hard work and my time behind it. 😢  please vote, share, comment and follow me.

⚠️ End of warning ⚠️

~at room~

Y/n :~ Namjoon hyung, you can go now I'll take care of him and please tell black pink to not to get worried about me. OK?

Nj :~ OK y/n ,Call me if you need anything.

*y/n nodded, Namjoon went out of room and y/n covered taehyung with blanket. *

Taehyung :~ ummh *mumbled in sleep *

Y/n :~ I guess he is uncomfortable in his clothes.

*y/n brought a loose T-shirt and shorts  and went to taehyung *

Y/n :~ taehyung get up for 1 minutes let's change you into night dress.

Taehyung :~ umhhm, noooiiiiiii * sad in sleep and sat up slowly *

Y/n removed his shirt and stood up to make him wear the T-shirt but he hugged y/n's waist.

Y/n :~ Yaaa what are you doing I'll fall on you. Yaaaaa Lil kiddo stop it and be obedient. * When his forehead met in contact with My tummy he was burning so I pushed him slighty and made him wear his Gucci T-shirt. He laid down and made his waist up so it will be easy for Me to  Take off his pants. I changed his clothes and covered him in the dovets. *

~2 Eternities later ~
( just kidding 2 hrs later)

Taehyung started shivering, y/n was almost sleeping but due to voice she woke up and kept her hand on his forehead.

y/n :~ yo-..... Your head is burning tae *tear streamed down from my cheeks, I went downstair to the kitchen. I took  cold water in a big bowl and took some towels with me. *

Jin :~ what happened y/n anything happened?

Y/n :~ oh no no its just that taehyung is having high fever, don't mind us just relax yourself. ☺

Jin :~ Yaaa how can you say that? We all are family we should also help you.

Y/n :~ no no, if you wanna help me than just enjoy the sleep over and if you want than you can just come to see taehyung whenever you want to come. ☺

Jin :~ yes that sounds better, y/n call me whenever you need anything OK?

* y/n nodded as she made her way to upstairs. *

Y/n placed the wet towel on his forehead and rest of others on his legs and hands too cool his body down. Y/n kept on changing towels in every 10 minutes. After half an hour finally his body was calm down but still he having fever not to high but not too low for y/n to let herself sleep. She kept on going downstairs and back to  there room to change the hot water with cold water for taehyung. Everyone in that home slept one by one but Namjoon and junior were up till 3 AM and just observed y/n . They were surprised by her care for him, they saw it in her actions itself , at that time they knew that you were the one and only girl for him and not his gf who cheated on him many times. They knew how his Gf cheated on him but they didn't spoke because he would get upset and would feel like they don't like his girlfriend and they are jealous of him. Slowly everyone in the house was now sleeping other than y/n and jin. Jin's body was leaning on the wall of y/n's and Taehyung's bedroom.

Jin :~ y/n why aren't you sleeping yet? I'll take care of him now you did more than enough for him.

Y/n :~ oh jin why are you awake go sleep and it's nothing like I'm doing it for him. I am doing it for myself so don't worry and go to the bed maybe jisso eonnie would be waiting for you.

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