was it even a dream?

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As soon as Taehyung turned to face her she was already asleep.


🔞 this story contains smut, so if you're uncomfortable or not reading this kind of stuffs than please do not read it. I repeat do not read it if you're uncomfortable with it. 🔞
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Taehyung 's pov :~

As soon as I turned around, I saw a little baby sleeping none other than
y/n . She is wearing my white shirt rn, I can already see her nipples poking from the shirt. She is sleeping draught today, otherwise she always sleeps while turning on right side. I'm not able to control myself anymore, I wanna touch her..... She is asleep though she won't know right? Alright I ain't going to control myself anymore. I slowly went to her and unbuttoned the shirt from upper side ( so I can play with her big boobies.🤭) as soon as I opened her shirt her boob 's got out of the shirt. I cupped it with my hands and it's so soft. I wanna squeeze it, also bite it. As I touched her nipples it's got hard from soft. I slowly hovered her and started playing with them.

End of Taehyung 's pov :~

Y/n 's pov :~

I felt a weight on my body as if someone is sitting on me. As I opened my eyes I saw taehyung touching my boob and on the other he was sucking on it, like seriously I'm getting weird dreams just because I am tired. Let's just leave it in middle I don't wanna wake up.

End of y/n 's pov :~

As taehyung was sleepy now he buttoned up her shirt and went at his previous position to sleep. Like he sucked for 2 hours now, because he didn't knew that milk only comes when a lady get's pregnant.

~ time skips to morning ~

As usual y/n woke up and went to make breakfast for taehyung and her. As soon as she reached at the kitchen she heard a loud thund from their bedroom. She ran upstairs and saw taehyung on the floor rubbing his butt. Y/n busted out while sitting beside taehyung.

Y/n :~ are you really a small baby? Hahahahahahahahahaha.

Taehyung :~ y/n stop laughing. 😑

Y/n :~ opps sorry but I can't stop hahahahahahahah-

Taehyung hovered y/n trapping her between his big figure.

Taehyung :~ I said you not to laugh didn't I? Anyways pack your bags we're going tomorrow at 6 AM.

Y/n :~ where are we going?

Taehyung :~ for our honeymoon. 😏

Y/n :~ shut up.

Taehyung :~ aish, go make breakfast I'm hungry.

Taehyung spoke while getting up and going to washroom.

Y/n :~ yeah yeah, a free maid.

~ time skips at dinning table at 5A.M.~

Y/n and taehyung are eating breakfast, while y/n is still in deep thoughts of last night. She was snapped out by taehyung.

Taehyung :~ what are you thinking?

Y/n :~ nothing.

Taehyung :~ how is the pasta?

Y/n :~ oh, it's good.

Taehyung :~ see, today you're physically here but mentally you aren't here. Today is omlete in breakfast not pasta you dumbo.

Y/n :~ aish alright I was thinking about the dream I had last night.

Taehyung :~ what dream. A wet dream about me ? How was I looking in it? 😏

Y/n :~ ugly as always.

Taehyung :~ that means I was in that dream. What was that dream about?

Y/n :~ it was that you were sucking-boob.

Taehyung :~ like seriously babygirl, I would like to convert that dream into reality.

Y/n :~ but I doubt, was it even a dream?


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