notice by tired author nim

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next part will be only uploaded when this account will get some comments and another supports like..  Vote, share, comment and follow. Goals are written bellow.

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I'm sorry if you feel like I'm selfish, but I'm not getting your support at all. I feel like I'm showering you'll with my love and though I don't get time I write and I don't even get any kind of support. I'm really not getting any supports, and sometimes I even feel like closing watt pad. Like I even write this story when my exams are going on, and than I don't get any responses. To he honest I even removed my nail extensioned nails just because I wasn't able to write, it hurted like hell my half nail and skin got removed while removing the extension nails and still you guys are not even responding to my hardwork. At the end even if that happens to you, you'll feel bad about it...... I'm really sorry but this time I really want this all silent readers to respond, till that I won't update it.


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