what you want !?

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Y/n :~ no need, my so called
" hubby ". 😑

taehyung :~ awwww. It's OK no need to get shy my baby wifeu.

Y/n :~ whatever~ .

~ 30 minutes later ~

Taehyung :~ yah! Come fast. What are you doing there? You sleeping inside?

Door slightly opened, y/n indicated taehyung to come closer to her. Taehyung went as she said.....

Y/n :~ I forgot to take out my clothes from suitcase, can you go out for sometime if you don't mind.

Taehyung :~ I do mind. I won't go out of my room.

Y/n :~ than turn around. 😑

Taehyung :~ I won't, why would I. I will see what's mine.

Y/n :~ umhm, I don't think so.

Taehyung pulled y/n by her waist and due to the water they both slipped in bathroom. Taehyung is hovering y/n, while y/n is holding her towel tightly. Taehyung stood up and said.....

Taehyung :~ I won't see anything go and get your clothes.

~ 20 minutes later ~

Y/n got out of bathroom in a her night suit.

Night suit 👇🏻

Taehyung :~ ain't this a couple night suit? Where is mine?

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Taehyung :~ ain't this a couple night suit? Where is mine?

Y/n :~ I just brought it yesterday for me, I did brought yours too but you don't like twining so why to wear right. Now go to take shower.

Taehyung :~ keep my clothes ready I have habit of wearing outside of bathroom as specially when my wife is in the bedroom. 😏

Y/n :~ take it yourself it's in my black suitcase. Don't touch anything else.

Taehyung :~ I will.

Taehyung opened the black suitcase. As soon as he opened it he found a bikini. He got an idea and took off his T-shirt......He tried to wear it and went to y/n.

Y/n :~ what are you doing with it?😶😳

Taehyung :~ how to wear it? * wear on eyes like specs. And starts running around the room. * like this?

Y/n :~ noooooo, stop it you stupid creater. Go to shower I'm taking out your dress.

Taehyung :~ do you mind cleaning up me?

Y/n :~ yes I do. Now go.

~ 10 minutes later ~

Taehyung came out of bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Y/n scrolling on her phone. Taehyung wore his trouser and got on the bed.

Taehyung :~ can you stop scrolling through the phone? We 're here to spend time together with each other not with phone.

Y/n :~ who said that?

Taehyung  :~ your dad.

Y/n :~ this days people are not minding there own business. We are not even a couple so why to pretend like 1?

Taehyung hovered over y/n .

Y/n :~ what are you doing?  Get off me you are heavy.

Taehyung :~ I want to make baby with you, this is my first wish.

Y/n :~ I want to hit you with a bat.

Taehyung :~ I'm serious.

Y/n :~ I'm serious too. Though your mind isn't in sense right now, so I can bring your memory.

Taehyung :~ y/n stop it, I really wanna fuck you right now.


Love you all babies, thank you very much.

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