shut up and get.the.hell.out.

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A/nim's pov:~


🔞This story might have a little bit smut further so if you are uncomfortable with it. Than please don't read it just leave it. 🔞

Please don't repost, rewrite, report. It's my hardwork behind it so I hope I'll get some good results. 😔 I have been working for not to long but I'm not getting proper results so I'll try my best and hardest to make you happy, but all you have to do is just to click vote, and follow button and if you want to make me more happy than click at the comment and be the first to comment thank you.

⚠️ End of warming ⚠️

~ Next morning ~

Taehyung's pov :~

I woke up, with a little bit suffocation . I feel like someone is beside me. When I opened my eyes, my face was facing on someone's boob's 👁👄👁 but who is this? I guess it's my girlfriend. That body moved and pulled my face more into it. Let's just pretend to sleep wait why am I naked? 😱😐 I loosed my virginity? But not I have my boxers and the body beside me also have clothes my shirt..... It was my favorite shirt..... 😶😑 I will take it after seeing the person.

End of Taehyung's pov :~

Y/n's pov :~

This pillow is so much comfortable 😍. So I pulled it more near me. Yeah now it's comfortable but why is this pillow breathing? 🤔 what I think this isn't any pillow but a human. 0.0 what the-

End of y/n's pov:~

Y/n remembered what happened last night and that person not any anyone other than taehyung. She opened her eyes and saw down at Taehyung he was completely in her chest. And she moved away slowly but Taehyung pulled her and whispered in his deep and husky voice.

Taehyung :~ what happened last night? Why am I in my only underwear in front of you?

Y/n:~ you were drunk and you removed you clothes yourself, I also said you to wear shorts but you denied and took me here on the bed and slept.

Taehyung :~ Aish that is why my head is hurting. Go make me some soup. Oh umh BTW your boobs were really suffocating me and you better get out of the room before I kill you. -_- and give me back my favorite shirt. Before I kill you.

Y/n :~ that's not possible because I don't have any clothes other than this so when my clothes will come I'll wash it and give it back to you. And I choose this room first so you get the hell out right now. I am going to have shower. So get out until I finish my shower and yeah better call your parents for my stuff. And bye bye ~

As y/n went inside the bathroom, Taehyung went to take his pant and wore it.

~30 minutes later ~

Taehyung thought the bathroom door was locked so he tried to tease you but you forgot to lock the door unfortunately he came inside the bathroom.

The bathroom 👇🏻

The bathroom 👇🏻

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