whatever I want?

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Thank you very much for reading this fan fiction and love you bye bye.


Taehyung 's  pov :~

We're at home now y/n, is sleeping peacefully. She looks like an innocent baby when she is asleep, but she looks sexy when she is awake. Should I wake her up? Yeah let's wake her up. She slept all the way here. Okay! 

End of Taehyung 's pov :~

Taehyung :~ y/n, wake up we are here. If you don't wanna wake up than be here till the morning, oh sorry till I wake up.

Y/n :~ ummmh
( mumbles in sleep. )

Taehyung :~ alright! I'm leaving.

( opens car 's door and went inside the house.)

A/n :~ I know you'll expected something else but, I don't do like others. 😁

Y/n woke up due to phone calls, she woke up and saw caller ID. It was taehyung. Y/n went inside the house and went to there bedroom, with anger and little bit of frustration, because he didn't let her sleep. As soon as she reached the door she banged it loudly.

Y/n :~ yah!  Kim taehyung! Open the door.

Taehyung :~ ......

Y/n :~ yah, reply me.

Y/n 's pov :~

Suddenly the door opened, revealing half naked taehyung with a towel wrapped around his waist with wet hair. Omo, what am I doing? I can't resist anymore.

End of y/n 's pov :~

Taehyung :~ what are you looking at?

Y/n :~ yah!  Why didn't you woke me up, in polite way?

Taehyung :~ Aish, I do have more works other than you.

Y/n :~ go wear something.

Taehyung :~ why?  You don't like to see me like this?

Y/n :~ shut up and go, so I can have my peaceful shower.

Taehyung :~ yeah yeah. Shower my foot.

Y/n :~ what did you spoke? Give me your foot I wanna see if there anything on it.

Taehyung :~ pervert, I know you don't wanna see my foot you wanna see something that is big enough to make you scream my name. 😏

Y/n :~ 😳......  yah! Just go inside and wear something, it's useless to talk to you. 😒

Taehyung :~ alright baby girl! Oh and if you be naught baby, than daddy will have to punish you.

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