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Receptionist ( Mr. Jun) :~ good morning Mrs. Kim.

Y/n :~ oh good morning Mr. Jun can you tell if Mr. Kim is free right now or not?

Mr. Jun :~ I'm sorry but ma'am Mr.kim isn't coming here from last 3 days he just comes here to cancel every meetings and check on papers....

Y/n :~ oh no problem, thank you
Mr. Jun.

Mr. Jun :~ oh anytime ma'am 😊

Y/n 's pov :~

Wow, so she is now more important than work too. 😀 anyways why would I care I'll just go home and watch movies with my baby. 😎 I'm sorry baby but seems your dad don't wanna meet you soon. But it's ok I'm here for you. 😙 your mom won't let you feel lonely at all.

End of y/n 's pov :~

~ 9:30 P.M. ~

Taehyung came home and saw 2 plates of food, 1 of them was already eaten and another was just there served for him. He felt a bit awkward because y/n use to wait for him till he doesn't come back home and than she would eat her dinner too, but today was different from other days y/n didn't seem to be even affected by him coming home. She is watching movies. While taehyung went upstairs to get rid of stinky clothes. Y/n slept on sofa while watching movies and muching on her snacks.

Taehyung 's pov :~

I took a quick shower and went down to have my dinner. Maybe y/n is still watching movies.... As soon as I went down stairs I saw y/n sleeping on sofa while TV was still on and her snacks were on her stomach, she is so cute..... Though I have a gf I can't watch y/n in that way . I went to have dinner. I am done with dinner now it's time to take
y/n upstairs. I went to of the TV and took y/n to our room. When we reached to our room I kept her on the bed and was going to my side to sleep until..... Y/n holded my pinky finger and spoke "don't leave me " I sat beside her and that's when I was already regretting getting in relationship with irien again.

End of taehyung 's pov :~

Y/n spoke " I always loved you taehyung, I loved you so so so much but I wasn't able to tell you before because I never spoke it and you never asked me. I always wanted to tell you a secret which I got to know just yesterday but I guess u won't get too much happy, you'll just throw us. I made a decision to give you divorce, yesterday I heard everything you spoke when you were drunk and every word went in my heart as arrows. Do you even know I saw that irien today itself with another guy, no one can ever love you as much as I did. I always loved you taehyung even though I was knowing that you would never love me back as much as I do though I loved you, I always did, I always will and no one will even be able to love you ever. Yesterday you said you feel something aching in your heart ........ I don't even have a heart. If you wanna give me divorce than too you can but you'll regret your decision if you divorced me because of the secret I hided in bathroom, haha you'll never find it because I won't let you find it."

Y/n slept with tears rolling down her cheeks. Y/n's eyes we're closed all the time she have habit of speaking in sleep. Taehyung stood up slowly and ran towards the bathroom. He searched whole bathroom but got nothing, he finally gave up and sat on the basin counter..... That's when he saw a black bag under the toilet sit. He took it out and open the bag. He found a pregnancy test which was having 2 red lines on it. He took photo of that pregnancy test and kept it where it was found.... He went to bed and slept.

~ Next day ☀~

Y/n woke up and saw taehyung wasn't beside her. Y/n went down stairs and saw the oldest maid was teaching taehyung something in the kitchen.

Y/n ' s pov :~

As I went down stairs I saw our cook and also oldest maid here. I call her aujima she is just like my mom.... Not my stepmom, my real mom even though I was with her for a bit too much short time I still miss her. I went to get a bottle from fridge and some fruits for me. Aujima called me and asked.....

End of y/n 's pov :~

Aujima :~ y/n come here taste it,
Mr. Kim made it.

Y/n :~ oh aniya ajuma please taste it and tell him, I can't.

Taehyung :~ Mrs. Choi can I call you aujima too and please call me taehyung only it's really awakward to get called by that name from elders.

Aujima :~ no no how can I call you that-

Taehyung :~ than just call me son.

Aujima :~ oh ok son.

Y/n :~ aujima, don't call him son you are my aujima.

Taehyung :~ so what she calls me son now. 😒

Y/n and taehyung started argument and aujima just laughed at how both were arguing like small 7 years old children.

Aujima :~ ok ok child I'm your both's aujima now stop arguing.

Taehyung :~ aujima, you see I took a day off for someone and that person don't even wanna taste the food I made for her. 😒

Y/n :~ you better don't talk about it, you ain't going there from last 3 days and today 4th day.

Taehyung :~ who said you-

Y/n :~ don't ask any questions I went to your office yesterday and Mr. Jun said me.

Taehyung :~ he didn't said anything more other than that right?

Y/n :~ even if I know I prefer not to tell you because some things are not meant to tell.

Y/n went upstairs and taehyung 's brain cells started processing what y/n just said.

Taehyung 's pov :~

Is she talking about her pregnancy or she is talking about irien and me? Anyways I need to break up with irien after what y/n said me last night. Some people never changes. There's irien who is always using me and there is y/n who is always saving me by her innocence. She is so cute, anyways I need to make her eat this breakfast. I made a broccoli soup and Omlate as broccoli contains zinc it's good for baby and egg contains protein I took orange juice from the fridge, served it in plate and went upstairs. Guess what she isn't eating it so I need to feed her. I do mind even if she doesn't eat but it harms baby so I can't let that happen. I love them both equally but I love y/n more because she is giving me my happiness. Tbh I never loved irien, it's because she came during I was not with y/n and she was just an attraction. We never even had a kiss till now. I can't wait to see a lil tae or a lil
y/n in my house playing with me and

End of taehyung 's pov :~


Hellww swuggies thank you all and thank you GunjanHotkar for following me. ☺ also to bul_anhan_babe , Aaru_shinchan and also to my first follower nisha___trivedi.👈🏻 she is following from the start thank you and also to my lovely silent readers and other people who are reading yet not even trying to comment and not following me, you really hurted me.... Oh my heartue is paining......please vote, comment, follow and share it with your friends if you like it. Thank you for all your support and thanks for investing your precious time in this FF. Bbye love you all. ☺💗💕


Words count = 1440

Time taken = 1 hr, 20 minutes,
10 second 's

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