Bonus 😏🌚

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                 ⚠🚨 warning 🚨⚠

This chapter contains smut so if you're not reading this kind of stuff or adult stuff  please don't read it. I reapeat if you are uncomfortable, not interested or not able to bare it do not read it. Don't report, repost or rewrite. Enjoy your time bbye meet you at the end.

                 ⚠🚨 warning 🚨⚠

~ at night, after dinner ~

Taehyung :~ babe both are asleep now, can you do me a favour?

Y/n :~ hm, it depends on what you ask.

Taehyung :~ A-actually.....

Y/n :~ say fast babe, I won't bite you.

Taehyung :~ a-actually when you were feeding our babies I saw you secretly from a slight open door. 👉🏻👈🏻

Y/n :~ aish, do you think I wasn't knowing that you were staring at my boobs and licking your lips?

Taehyung :~ how-

Y/n :~ I know that by myself. ✌🏻🙂 (already knowing where this all is leading to.)

Taehyung :~ so..... C-can I taste your milk babe?

Y/n :~ no, don't. Dare. To. Ask. That.

Taehyung :~ please babe. I won't bite you I swear and also I won't ask for it if you don't like it but give it a chance please.

Y/n :~ ok, fine but I won't sit for feeding you, I wanna sleep.

Taehyung :~ it's ok babe, I will adjust.

Y/n :~ ok than.

Taehyung and y/n went to there room and y/n went and laid down kn the bed. Taehyung went to other side and went near y/n. Taehyung looked at y/n while holding the end of her T-shirt, as if he was asking for her permission. She slightly nooded. Taehyung pulled up her T-shirt and took it off  and went near her breast and whispered. " Just relax babe, I'll make you feel good." Taehyung took her nipple between his teeth and slightly squeezed it between his teeth just when her milk came out in his mouth. Y/n moaned due to this forieng sensation. Y/n felt asleep due to tiredness and taehyung kept on sucking.

~ next morning ~

Y/n 's pov :~

I woke up and saw taehyung sleeping with my nipple in his mouth. He looks just like a baby who slept while having it's food, a bit milk was still visible at the end of his lips. Wait- what if all milk is sucked by him? What will I feed to babies? 🤧

End of y/n 's pov :~

Y/n :~ yah! Wake up you milk thief.

Taehyung :~ what happened? What did I do now?

Y/n :~ what you did? You literally drank my milk whole night what if babies don't get anything now?

Taehyung :~ it's ok we can also feed them with bottle milk.

Y/n :~ it's not nutritive for them.

Taehyung :~ it's only for one day, so it's ok.

(Babies started crying)

Y/n :~ go bring them, let's see how much milk you left in me.

Taehyung :~ ok ma'am.

Taehyung brought both babies and kept them in your lap. Babies started sucking them and stopped crying.

Y/n :~ at least you kept some milk.🙂 how can a adult just drink female milk?

Taehyung :~ it's tasty I can literally drink it whole day.

Y/n :~ yah, just shut up ok? ✌🏻🙂 if you don't wanna get chocked by my hands than go and fresh up.


Finally the series got end now I'll just start new ff and try to release it soon. Thank you for being this long with me and bbye, do wait for my next FF.

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