shopping with jerk

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🔞Contains a slight smut ,so if you are uncomfortable with it than please don't read it 🔞

⚠️warming ends ⚠️

~At footwear store~

Taehyung :~ yah listen , I will break up with my girlfriend after our wedding and you will be the reason behind my sadness. just remember my words. I will make your life a living hell.

Y/n:~ it's already worst than hell, fine make my life into worstest hell.

~15 minutes later ~

Y/n's pov :~

I choose heels and we packed it. We are in the car now. Awakwardness between us is just increasing, so I planned to break the silence.

End of y/n's pov:~

Y/n's :~ you can call your girlfriend over our place to discuss about it, anyways I don't care. Not anymore.

Taehyung :~ I don't want her to know that I'm leaving her for a bitch so you better shut up and no need to care for me my girlfriend is here for me. Just mind your own business you slut.

Y/n:~ taehyung you better be in your limits-

Taehyung :~ what if I don't? Oh and yeah don't draw my limits just be in your limits you slut.

Y/n:~ just stop this car taehyung, I don't wanna stay with you. Just stop this car.

Taehyung :~ OK do whatever you want to do. *stops the car as soon as he stopped the car y/n just opened the door and ran as the road, as they both were in the middle of forest taehyung followed her slowly in the car *

Taehyung's pov :~

I guess I went too far. It's not safe for y/n to be alone so I'll just follow her from a little bit distance. After some time she wasn't at the road but was taken in the forest by 2 drunk mans. Aish this girl always attracts troubles. Let's just leave her, or should I go to save her? Aish whatever I'm not going.

End of Taehyung's pov :~

Y/n's pov:~

I got out of the car and ran I don't know where to run but I just want to far away from him. I just hate him. After sometime of running my eyes were kinda blurry due to tears, suddenly I felt 2 pairs of hands holding me and taking me of the road. I can smell alcohol which was irritating my nostrils. They threw me on the ground and started ripping my clothes I was shouting there for help, there was still a hope somewhere at some point I was knowing that someone will come to help me but no one came and now I'm just in my undergarments. When they were about to touch me, a sound came and that man was on the ground.
"bang "

???:~ do you even know whom you are touching? 

Man 1:~ yes a girl who is rich and beautiful and who is made for us, we were just about put our dick in her tight hole but you came, guess you too want to join us- bang and now he was the ground.

Man 2 :~ how dare you hited my brother?

???:~ so you too want to get beaten like your brother, for touching my wife?

Y/n looked at Taehyung in disbelief as if she was just dreaming right now. Taehyung went to y/n and y/n just hugged him.

Taehyung:~ y/n ,are you OK?

Y/n nodded

Taehyung give his shirt and gave it to y/n . After wearing the shirt they went back in the car.

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