what are all hiding!

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Y/n's pov :~

I went downstairs and went to kitchen, I got surprised when some people were there already making something. They were j-hope, Jin, RM while suga was having coffee on the table. Jin was teaching RM how to cut onions and j-hope was making pancakes. I went beside j-hope and said.

End of y/n's pov:~

Y/n :~ good morning sunshine!

J-hope :~ woah, you really scared me y/n !

Y/n :~ oh sorry. 😅😋

J-hope :~ aish it's OK dear go sit with grandpa!

Y/n went to table and sat beside suga.

Y/n :~ I Didn't expected you To be awake right now, I thought you Would be sleeping till 11.

Suga :~ Huh ..offcouse i am not like u who needs sleep after having a truoble some night though not obeying to older ones and working as a machine 24/7.

Y/n :~ aww too bad But, this machine don't need rest!

Everyone in the kitchen (j-hope, RM, Jin) :~ woahhhhhh! 🔥 finally we have someone to bit suga's swagie replies.

suga rolled his eyes. 5 minutes later maknae line comes down. Taehyung was half asleep. Taehyung came to sugar and asked.

Taehyung :~ hyung do you have a lost sister by any chance?

Suga :~ shut up with that stupid questions before I hit you tae.

Suga hitted Taehyung's forehead with his index finger while taehyung groan's.

Y/n :~ stupid! *and went beside jin *

Jin :~ y/n go and wake everyone up till that we will serve it and keep everything ready.

Y/n :~ Okie, oppa.

With that y/n went to wake blackpink up! Meanwhile taehyung rolled his eyes and went behind y/n.

Y/n's pov :~

I was standing in front of one of the guest room when I got pulled by someone.

End of y/n 's pov :~

Taehyung pulled y/n to there shared bedroom. When Jin just stares at lobby where y/n was pulled by taehyung and went in a room.

BANG! *door slammed shut *

Y/n 's pov :~

As soon as we both entered room I was thrown harshly on the bed in no time I was trapped between his large figure.

End of y/n 's pov :~

Taehyung :~ Don't even dare to show what's mine OK?

Y/n :~ but what did I show? I don't even have anything that's yours.

Taehyung :~ you're mine and everything of yours is mine that big boob 's are also mine.

*with that taehyung leaned in for a kiss but y/n moved her face aside. *

Taehyung :~ why do you always force   me To do such things now you'll have to suffer.
* As soon as y/n turned to ask something. Her cheeks got a light tint of pink her cheeks started burning up with the distance between her and Taehyung's face. There eyes met. *

Taehyung :~ go wear something inside!

* stands up and made his way towards the door. *

Y/n :~ Thank you.

Taehyung :~ did you say anything?

Y/n :~ no.

*taehyung goes out of the room. *

~ 10 minutes later ~

Taehyung 's pov :~

Y/n came down, as she comes and sit between suga hyung and j-hope hyung everything flashes in my mind as my cheeks started burning. I can't let them find so I need to pretend as nothing happened.

End of Taehyung 's pov :~

J-hope :~ y/n are you okay? *whispered in y/n 's ears *

* y/n nodded in yes *

Suga :~ so, machine is finally tired after not sleeping at all whole night huh? 

* Y/n kicked his leg under the table indicating him to stop before taehyung gets to know what happened last night.*

Taehyung :~ why what happened last night that she didn't slept at all ?

Jin :~ nOTHiNg! Happened now start eating.

Taehyung :~ I don't think nOTHiNg happened, there's something that everything are hiding from me.

*whole black pink comes down. *

Jisso :~ y/n had you took sleep or not?

Y/n :~ yEAh oFf cOrSe eonnie.

Jennie :~ y/n stop lying I have heard footsteps whole night.

Rose :~ yeah.

Lisa :~ I'll give you medicines so that you won't fall ill OK?

Y/n :~ OK

Taehyung :~ Will anyone tell me what happened last night?

Lisa :~ you really are dumb, taehyung.

Taehyung :~ huh? What do you mean ?

Lisa :~ she took care of you whole night, when you were a totaly drunk dog.

Taehyung :~ Jin hyung why didn't you tell me?
* anger was visible in his eyes *

Jin :~ I was going to say-

Y/n :~ he didn't said because I made him a promise that he won't tell you what happened last night so that you won't get disgusted by my touches.

* y/n went to her room and closed locked the door. Taehyung just stared at her small figure, which fades into the room. *

Jin :~ we all will be going after finishing breakfast, and you taehyung better take care of her otherwise you will see my anger now.

* taehyung just stayed silent. *

~ 30 minutes later ~

Taehyung wents upstairs to there room and knocks it slowly. He got no response so he knocked it again. But in response he only heard big sobs.

Taehyung :~ y/n open the door.

Y/n :~ .......

Taehyung :~ OPEN the fucking door, ...... please y/n.

*door was open this whole time. But he didn't eve touched the door knob and just banged it whole time. He went inside and saw you  on  the bed inside the blanket. He slowly pulled the blanket and saw you.

A/n 's pov :~
eyo babies, tell me which line is the best that you like. I'm sorry for uploading it a bit too late but I have exams so...... Tomorrow is the last exam, but after that I have 3rd set of semester starting so I'll try to upload it as soon as I write it. Bye bye babies, take care of yourselves, don't catch fever or cold. ( because I caught cold) Sanitize Before having meals or breakfasts. Bath after you come back from outside. Bye bye love you all. 😘

End of A/n 's pov :~ 

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