Part 4. (New Friends)

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I am currently sitting on my bed waiting for Miguel to get here when I hear a knock on the door. I quickly run downstairs to see that my mom had already got the door. She turns back to me with 'The Look'. I walk to the door to see Miguel and another girl. I smile at the other girl hoping to finally make another new friend. 

Mom: You invited people without me knowing? - My mom says to me in a stern voice.

Y/n: Be happy I made friends for once. - I walk out the door before she could say anything else. I start laughing Miguel and the other girl chuckle.

Miguel: What's that for? - He asks chuckling.

Y/n: Don't worry she's sweet. - I said reassuring them. They both smiled.

Miguel: Well, Y/n, This is Sam, my gir- my friend. - He cut himself off. I went to give her a hug, as did she. 

Y/n: Hey, I'm Y/n! - She smiled.

~An Hour Later~

We arrived at Sam's, dad's dojo. We each hopped out of Sam's car and went through the gate to the backyard. Sam's dad Daniel called her so me and Miguel decided to stay outside.

*Sam's Pov*

Sam: I'm sorry dad, I should have told you that I invited Miguel over. - She said.

Daniel: New rule, if you're gonna bring boys over to the dojo, leave the door open. - He replied.

Sam: Come on dad, it's not 1984. - She said sarcastically. Daniel sighed.

Daniel: Look, you're growing up, you're a young women now, okay I get it, I just feel like in this past year there's been, Kyler, and Miguel, and Robby, now back to Miguel. Seems like you're adding more drama to your life than you need.  And just imagine if Robby knew Miguel was back in the picture. - Sam looks down nervously.

Daniel: Oh no, Sam really? - He said to her.

Sam: He came by last night when I was here with Miguel..

Daniel: And he saw.. you two? - He asked her.

Sam: No! God, dad.

Daniel: What, I saw it. 

Sam: I know it's been a lot, but can you please try to remember that I am still your daughter and that you can trust me? - She asked.

Daniel: It's not you I don't trust Sam. - He replied.

Sam: Miguel's changed. He's a good person he's not Cobra Kai's number one bully, he's not even in Cobra Kai anymore. - She said. Daniel sighed. He looked out at Miguel and I looking at different cars at the dojo.

Daniel: Maybe you're right.

~ A Few Hours Later~

*Your Pov*

I and Miguel are currently swinging on some swings at the park, it's night time. Sam decided to stay home. 

Miguel: Hey you never told me about your life? - He asked me, still slightly swinging.

Y/n: I prefer to keep most of it private but I guess I could tell you a bit. - You said, now just sitting on the swing.

Y/n: Well.. I used to get bullied a lot, and here and then I get dirty looks. - Miguel looked at me confused.

Miguel: Wait, hold up. You got bullied? How is that even possible? Look at you! Your gorgeous! - He said, gesturing towards me. I shyly smiled.

Miguel: Listen, there's this dojo I used to go to, I learned karate, self defense. - He said, now more serious.

Y/n: What happened? - I asked.

Miguel: A lot of shit went down and drama, It's a lot. If I get my sensei to open up a new karate dojo somewhere, maybe would you possibly like to join it? - He asked. I looked down trying to think for a second. I looked back up at him with a smile.

Y/n: Sure! - I said. He smiled.

???: AY BRO! - We heard someone yell from across the field. We snapped our heads towards that direction to see the mohawk dude coming our way.

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