Pat 10. (Tory)

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He jumped up doing a front kick to each of the bullies faces. Me and Demetri quickly got out of the grips of the bullies and ran to the side giving Hawk some room. I watched as Hawk slung one guy up and onto a glass coffee table, I and Demetri were shocked and we just looked up at him, Hawk looked to us and it kind of made me flinch, he walked over to us and me and Demetri stepped back some.

Hawk: Look man I'm sorry, for all of it. - We looked at him. He looked over at me.

Hawk: And you, we'll talk about this. - I got nervous.

Hawk: But do you wanna help me win this thing? - I and Demetri looked at each other and smiled, then we looked at Hawk nodding.

Y/n/Demetri: Yeah! - We said in unison. They did a handshake, then another guy came up from the side he went to punch them and the ducked, then another guy came from in front of me running, I slipped out of the way and he ran towards Hawk and Demetri. Demetri slung Hawk up and Hawk kicked the guy. We each kept fighting and was so far winning. Once all of them were down one more guy came, I was in the middle and Demetri and Hawk were on my sides, we all looked at each other and nodded, next thing I know we kick the guy on to another table and it busts. I leave them two to fighting while I look around for Miguel, I finally find him against the wall getting his ass kicked so I ran over there, but before I could get to him, Miguel finally got the strength to twist around a beat Kyler's ass. I watched as they fought each other.

Kyler: Come on! Come on! - He yelled at Miguel who was trying to stand up. Miguel finally beat Kyler up and made him unconscious. I ran over to Miguel and gave him a slight hug before turning and going to Hawk and Demetri.

Y/n: Guys Sam is still fighting Tori! - They all looked at me then I ran with them following behind me. I made it to the room and walked in to see that Sam had Tori pinned against the wall with her stick in hand. 

Sam: I am not afraid of you! - Sam said to Tori who had her fist balled up.

Miguel: GUYS STOP! - Miguel yelled.

Hawk: Tori, the fights over. - He told her.

Tori: It's not over! - Then she looked at Sam.

Tori: This will never be over LaRusso, you hear me? - She said.

Sam: You know where to find me! - Sam said eyeing Tori. Tori walked over to Miguel and Hawk looking at them with the nastiest look.

Tori: Traitors. - She said to them. She looked at Hawk..

Tori: You better watch your back! - She said to him which made me pissed. I made myself clear of view and stepped out in front of her.

Demetri: He won't have to, he's got friends watching it for him. - He said and I tripped her then flipped her over to the ground. She got up and raised her fist at me but Hawk stepped in front of me and dared her to do so. She ran off. Hawk turned back to me and asked..

Hawk: When did you learn to move like that? - He asked smirking at me.

Y/n: Eagle fang. - I said blushing a little. He pulled me in for a hug. Miguel looked at us both confused, then he pointed at us two.

Miguel: When did this happen? - He asked chuckling.

Y/n: 2 days ago. - I said.

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