Part 7. (Hawks Place)

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~ Evening ~

I am sitting on the couch in the living room of my house waiting for hawk when I hear what sounds like some sort of motor bike? I quickly get up and look out of my window to see Hawk on his dirt bike taking off his helmet. I hurry and walk out of my door. He spots me and gets off of his bike and starts walking over to me. 

Hawk: Ready to go? - He asks with a smile.

Y/n: When you said you were picking me up I figured you meant by car. - I stated. He laughed.

Hawk: Come on. - He said grabbing my hand and walking me to his bike. He got on and so did I. 

Hawk: You need to hold on. - He said while giving me his helmet. I put the helmet on. I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist and then he drove off.

~A Few Minutes Later~

We arrived at his house and walked in to be met by his mom walking to us with a hand towel, wiping her hands.

Mrs. Moskowitz: Hello dear. Eli I didn't know you had a new girlfriend? - Hawk rolled his eyes. I giggled.

Hawk: She's just a friend. C'mon Y/n. - He said walking up stairs, me following behind.

Mrs. Moskowitz: Have fun you two! Not too much fun though! - She yelled too us. I laughed. We made our way to his room and walked in. I just stood here while he searched for something. he looked back at me and smirked.

Hawk: Make yourself comfortable. - I nodded and went and sat on the edge of his bed. I watched as he searched through his different drawers. 

Hawk: Aha! Found it! - He said holding up a TV remote. - I chuckled and he looked over at me confused.

Hawk: What? - He asked.

Y/n: Nothing its just I thought you were looking for-never mind.. - I stayed quiet. He looked at me and smirked. He walked over to me and pushed me to where I was laying down. He hovered over me and just stared at me in he eyes. I. Was. Nervous.

Hawk: Boo! - He laughed and got up so did I. I just sat there shocked. He seen me and chuckled.

Hawk: Relax I was kidding! - He smirked and then sat down beside me. He handed me the remote.

Y/n: What am I supposed to do with this? - I asked staring at the remote.

Hawk: Choose a movie. I'm going to ask my mom to order food. what do you like to eat? - He asked me.

Y/n: Chinese food. - I said.

Hawk: MOOOM!? - He yelled running downstairs. I chuckled. I quickly picked something and then laid down on his bed. 

A few seconds passed and Hawk came back in. He started taking his hoodie off and shirt to reveal a half naked Eli. Not gonna lie it was kind of hot. He put on a new shirt and came and laid beside me. I un-paused the movie.

Hawk: What are we watching? - He asked.

Y/n: Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. - I smiled, he chuckled. I looked at him confused?

Y/n: What's so funny? - I asked. He looked at me a smiled.

Hawk: Because of Draco Malfoy? - My confused look quickly turned into a blushing smile. He laughed.

~A Few Minutes Later~

We we're only in the middle of the movie when someone knocked on his door. Hawk got up and answered it and then came back with our food. I sat up and he handed me some ramen noodles and he got his chicken. We soon finished our food and were now laying in bed watching the movie. We were at the part of the movie where Draco bites his lip while walking towards Harry. I started rapidly tapping Hawk on the shoulder telling him this was my favorite scene. Once the scene ended Hawk paused the movie and got up. I looked at him confused.

Hawk: I can do that Y/n. - Next thing I know is he his slowly walking to my laying body, he hovers over me while biting his lip jokingly, he was now only inches away from my face, he quickly cut the lip biting and was now looking back and forth at my eyes then my lips. He smiled and slowly started leaning in..

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